Can children eat watermelon when they have a fever? Both mothers took their feverish children to the hospital. A child with a fever cannot eat cold food. The same fever, why are the treatments different?

Can children eat watermelon when they have a fever?

Both mothers went to the hospital with their feverish children.

The doctor gave different instructions.

A child with a fever went back to eat more watermelon.

A child with a fever could not eat cold food.

Especially watermelon. The mother was very confused.

Both had a fever. Why. Treatment is different?

Many parents think that watermelon is a raw and cold product.

Eating too much can damage the spleen and stomach.

Therefore, many mothers do not let their children eat watermelon. Chisheng can eat more watermelon

Fever itself is the explosion and loss of energy in the body

For fever, parents know that they should give their children more water to drink. However, children with fever have a poor appetite and have no intention of drinking milk and eating.

When combined with fever, the gastrointestinal tract reacts, the digestive function is inhibited, the child has a loss of appetite, and even eating does not taste good.

Some children not only refused to eat, but even vomited. Fever itself consumes Qi and blood, so energy must be replenished during fever.

If you don’t eat or drink, how can you lower your temperature or cure your disease?

The immune system needs energy support

Therefore, when a child has a fever, if you want to reduce the fever as soon as possible, in addition to water, you must also replenish energy. There is no infusion or ATP in Chinese medicine and pediatric massage. Therefore, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, watermelon is a good way to replenish water and energy.

Parents should not be afraid of cold watermelon and fruit juice. The child is having a fever, and the fever must be severe.

At the same time, diarrhea after drinking watermelon and fruit juice is also helpful in reducing fever and removing residue. On the contrary, if it is caused by fever/cold/deficiency syndrome/cold syndrome, you cannot eat watermelon.

Also, children’s constitutions are different, so the amount of watermelon they should eat should also be different. If the child’s constitution is hot/stronger/he can eat more watermelon; if the child’s constitution is weak, cold, weak and susceptible, the child should be given less watermelon. watermelon.