Each child has different personality characteristics and personality differences, as well as different receptive abilities. Different methods and methods should be used to educate so that the children's talents and conduct can be optimally developed.

Each child has different personality characteristics and personality differences, as well as different receptive abilities. Different methods and methods should be used to educate so that the children's talents and conduct can be optimally developed. First of all, we should have a full understanding of our children so that we can teach them in accordance with their aptitude, let them make the best use of their talents and make progress, understand their specialties, and guide them to discover their own interests and talents to learn, so that they can gain more efficiently. Gain progress and increase your children's self-confidence.

We'd better understand what kind of children will naturally come from what kind of parents we have. Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice give birth to burrows. The genetics of parents will cause each child to react differently to the stimulation of the acquired environment, so each child has some individual differences. We should not require every child to meet the same standards, nor should we compare our children with other people's children or require our children to be the same as other people's children. We must know that each of our children is actually unique, unique, incomparable and irreplaceable in the world. Therefore, we should respect every child, regardless of their height, weight, or appearance, and just let nature take its course.

In terms of academic performance, we should not require our children to be better than others. Reading is of course very important, but the purpose of reading is to understand the truth, not to achieve academic performance. Unfortunately, many parents often do not understand the truth and only blindly ask their children to study hard and get good grades. Some children have made it clear that they do not want to go to school because they cannot stand the pressure from their parents. In terms of skills, parents really can't do anything because their children have different talents. With the same teachers, the same teaching materials, the use of the same mechanical equipment, and the same technical skills, some will learn well, and some will learn well. Some people just can't learn well and can't force themselves to do it. They just try their best.