After having a baby, many parents find that the originally spacious big bed suddenly has no "place" for them. This is not because babies grow too fast and take up too much space on the bed, but because they are too restless when sleeping and always like to "roll" around on the be

After having a baby, many parents find that the originally spacious big bed suddenly has no "place" for them.

This is not because babies grow too fast and occupy too much space on the bed, but because they are so restless when sleeping, always like to "roll" around on the bed. Sometimes I accidentally rolled myself under the bed.

This is why, after having children, being able to sleep soundly has become a "luxury" for many parents. Parents should be very familiar with this scene: waking up in the middle of the night, turning on the light and anxiously looking for the baby. Or maybe when he was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the baby's kick. He was in pain for most of the day and had no sleep at all.

Mother Xiao Hu has been worried about her child's sleep recently. She found that her son loves tossing and turning around too much, even in his deep sleep. He is restless and tumbling in various ways. Xiao Hu always couldn't find where his baby was in the middle of the night. He turned on the light and panicked, only to find that the baby had moved to the end of the bed without knowing when and was about to fall off the bed.

Due to insufficient sleep at night and fear, Xiao Hu was in poor spirits during the next day and always had dark circles under his eyes.

This is Xiao Hu’s first child. She has no previous experience in raising children. Therefore, when she sees the child always rolling around when sleeping, Xiao Hu’s first concern is whether there is something wrong with the child’s body. . After taking the child for a comprehensive physical examination, Xiao Hu was relieved. There was nothing serious about the child's health. But when I go to bed at night, the child becomes like usual, rolling around all over the bed.

Someone who has experienced this gave Xiao Hu some advice, asking her to take her children out for outdoor activities during the day. This way, the children's "battery power" will be discharged, and the children will be able to sleep more peacefully at night.

Xiao Hu woke up very early the next day and took his children to play in the children's playground, but at night, the children's sleeping conditions were still the same.

This made Xiao Hu very distressed. She didn't know how long this situation would last, and didn't know whether such a sleeping state would affect the child's growth and development.

If your family is like Xiao Hu’s family and has a baby who sleeps restlessly, then you should pay attention. Children rolling around in their sleep may have their own reasons. As parents, must learn to understand children's signals and make changes in a timely manner.

There are actually "difficulties" in children who are restless in sleep and like to roll around. Parents should know

① If the temperature of the sleeping environment is too high or too low, the baby will feel uncomfortable.

In addition to worrying that the child will not have enough to eat, as parents, there are always Worried about the lack of clothes for the children. Even if the child's forehead is so hot that beads of sweat ooze out, some parents still don't know how to cover their children less. They are always afraid that their children will get cold if they are not covered enough or don’t wear enough clothes.

As everyone knows, children's metabolism is much faster than that of adults. At the same temperature, children are more afraid of heat. Therefore, sometimes children do not sleep well, which is related to the sleeping environment. If the room temperature is too high or too low, it will affect the child's sleep quality.

In addition to the sleeping environment, babies may not sleep well if they are uncomfortable and toss and turn. For example, when the baby reaches the teething stage, he may also have trouble sleeping.

Because the eruption of teeth can make babies feel very uncomfortable, and some babies may even develop a fever due to teething. Therefore, if your baby is about to grow teeth, parents should be more patient with their children and help them go through this necessary growth process.

② The baby eats too much before going to bed and has gastrointestinal discomfort

Parents are always worried that their children will not eat well. If the child has a good appetite, parents will be relieved.

Sometimes, because of their love for their children, parents may overeat their children. The baby's belly will be stretched out and round, so he will naturally not sleep well.

If babies eat too much and are too full, their gastrointestinal tract will need to be overloaded when sleeping, and their sleep quality will naturally be affected.

Sometimes babies eat too much, which can cause gastrointestinal, intestinal colic and other symptoms. When sleeping in this state, it is not surprising that the baby always sleeps restlessly and likes to roll around.

Therefore, if the baby does not sleep well, it may be that he is sending such a signal: "Mom, Dad, my belly is really full!"

③ The baby's brain is stimulated before going to bed and he is too excited.

If the child sleeps If the child is too excited and excited in the past, the child may have difficulty falling asleep. Even if he falls asleep, he will be restless and always move around and toss and turn.

Therefore, if parents want their children to have a peaceful sleep, they should not let their children do strenuous exercise before going to bed, and should not let their children get too excited.

If the child has been frightened that day, or encountered something frightening or frightening, the child's sleep quality will also be affected. Therefore, it is best for parents to always pay attention to every move of their children. Do not take your baby to places that are not suitable for him, such as haunted houses, etc., and protect your baby.

④The baby wants his mother to sleep beside him

There is an innate sense of intimacy between the baby and his mother. If he clings to his mother's side, the baby can sleep more peacefully. This is true for both animals and humans.

Therefore, sometimes when a child rolls around while sleeping, it may be that the child is subconsciously looking for his mother and wants to sleep next to her.

This is why we often hear that many mothers say that when their babies sleep, they must hold their hair, arms, clothes, etc. before they want to sleep.

If the baby can always feel that the mother is with him, The baby can sleep peacefully with the baby next to him. Otherwise, the baby will toss and turn to look for the mother, or even wake up to look for the mother.

Parenting Message

If your baby also likes to roll around when sleeping, parents should check whether the baby eats too much, check the indoor temperature, and whether the baby's bedding is suitable.

After ruling out the reasons of the objective environment and the baby's own reasons, if the child still likes to toss and turn, parents should be more patient with the child.

It can be said that every child will go through this restless sleep stage for a while, which is also a kind of "cultivation" of being a parent.

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