Phone watches are popular among children and have gradually become a "standard accessory" in life. However, as the popularity of phone watches increases, some of its shortcomings have gradually begun to be exposed, especially the two major problems of harming children's vision an

phone watches are popular among children and have gradually become a "standard accessory" in life. However, as the popularity of phone watches increases, some of its shortcomings have gradually begun to be exposed, especially the two major problems of harming children's vision and causing children to become addicted. It gives parents a lot of headaches.

News Case: A child’s myopia increased by 150 degrees in half a year due to looking at the phone and watch

Previously, a Fujian provincial hospital admitted a child whose myopia increased by 150 degrees in less than half a year. During the examination, the attending physician, Dr. Lin, noticed that the child was wearing a phone watch. He checked the time the child used the phone watch and found that the child had used the phone watch for an average of more than 3 hours a day in the past week. One day, he even played for more than 5 hours. Hour. Through communication with the child's parents, Dr. Lin learned that although the parents strictly controlled the time of using electronic products after discovering that their children were myopic, the effect was not strong. Therefore, Dr. Lin concluded that the child's myopia increased by 150 degrees in half a year, which was probably due to the phone watch. Caused by.

Faced with this situation, Ms. Chen, the child’s parent, also felt very helpless. She told the doctor, “I once saw him taking his eyes off his phone and watch on the way to school. It was too dangerous. I didn’t expect that a watch could also help the child. So obsessed." The original purpose of buying a phone watch for a child was to ensure safety and facilitate communication, but unexpectedly, it has now become a "murderous weapon" that hurts the child's eyes. In fact, the reason why this phenomenon occurs is not only due to children's poor self-control, but also due to the continuous "pan-entertainment" of phone and watch functions.

Market status: phone watches have redundant functions, attracting children

As the market demand for phone watches increases, more and more brands begin to enter the market, but this also brings about the proliferation of copycat products and uneven product quality. question. In order to seize the market and capture more profits, some children's phone watch manufacturers have begun to make a fuss about product functions, adding many entertainment functions to children's phone watches that can easily cause children to become addicted.

Through trials of phone watches on the market, we found that most phone watches are equipped with an application store, and children can download some of their favorite applications from the store when using them. In addition to some basic software, there are also entertainment software such as short videos, electronic games, national karaoke , listening to books, etc. One of the 1,500 yuan price phone watches can not only download more software, but also has front and rear dual cameras. camera lens . And all phone watches include a chat function similar to WeChat. According to the staff, the phone watch of the same brand allows you to add friends through touch and other methods, and is very popular with children.

From the current market situation, it is not difficult to see that in order to cultivate loyal users and further "bind" children, phone and watch manufacturers have added too many entertainment functions to their products. Children's phone watches, which were originally used to protect children's safety and facilitate communication between parents and children, have become "unrecognizable". They are as smart as a mobile phone and are extremely attractive to children and can easily lead to addiction. In addition, there is another issue that deserves attention. The entertainment of phone watches will further increase the time of children's use. However, the screen of phone watches sold on the market is about 2 inches, and the words are squeezed in the middle of the small screen, which looks very cramped. Long-term use and small-sized screens, it seems inevitable that phones and watches will cause myopia in children.

Doctors suggest: It is best to buy a children's phone with simpler and more practical functions

Myopia is irreversible, so protecting children's vision must start from an early age. Dr. Lin said, "It's like a rubber band. If it is stretched too long and exceeds its elasticity, it will never be able to return to its original shape. This is also true for myopia." Children's phones and watches are electronic products, and with the small screen size, children They also like to play for long periods of time. During this time, children keep staring at the screen, which can easily cause eye fatigue. Therefore, excessive use of phone watches may cause myopia in children or worsen the severity of myopia.

Dr. Lin said that today's phone watches have more and more functions, especially more and more entertainment software are embedded, and children with poor self-control are easily addicted.Compared with other electronic products, phone watches are simple to operate and highly deceptive. Parents often don’t know how long their children have been playing. “So if you must equip your children with a phone watch, it is best to buy one with simple and practical functions.”

There are currently many children's positioning phones on the market with simple anti-addiction and anti-myopia functions. The most popular among them is the Mushroom Soldier under Huaqiang Group. It has a cute and cute appearance and adopts a relatively unique screen-less design. All Functions are realized through voice interaction and button presses, which liberates children's eyes and prevents damage to children's eyes from the source. In addition, Mushroom Soldier is relatively "simple" in terms of function settings. It only strengthens core functions such as positioning and calling, and does not include online dating, electronic games and other entertainment functions. It can effectively protect children's safety without making them addicted.

According to relevant data, the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents in my country is 53.6%. Children and adolescents have become a key group of people with visual impairment, and myopia is an irreversible process, so parents must pay attention to protecting their children's vision. In addition to choosing children's phone products that prevent myopia and urging children to reduce the time they use electronic devices, they can also help children develop good reading and writing postures and take them for more outdoor activities, which is also very effective in protecting children's vision. help.