Due to various factors, sometimes new mothers have to adopt artificial feeding methods to feed their babies. Generally, during the neonatal period, artificial feeding is mainly formula feeding. So, what should you do when formula feeding your baby? When feeding your baby artifici

Due to various factors, sometimes new mothers have to use artificial feeding to feed their babies. Generally, during the neonatal period, artificial feeding is mainly formula feeding. So, what should you do when formula feeding your baby? When feeding your baby artificially, in addition to feeding your baby formula milk, what other issues should you pay attention to?

Formula milk powder - the protagonist of artificial feeding

In recent years, many nutrients have been added to formula milk powder, which is nutritionally closest to breast milk. Some formula milk powders are also fortified with certain nutrients, which can supplement the baby's lack. Nutrition. Therefore, formula is undoubtedly the ideal choice when breastfeeding is not possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of formula feeding


●Easy to feed. Both the mother and other family members can feed the baby with formula milk, and there are no restrictions on time or location.

●Mom is not bound. By feeding the baby with formula, the mother does not have to be constrained by breastfeeding and can have more time to rest, do other things, and even work.


●High-quality formula milk powder is often more expensive, which will cause a certain financial burden on the family.

● Even the best formula milk cannot compete with breast milk. Some formula milks still lack antibiotics and some active substances.

● Feeding a baby with formula milk requires the use of milk bottles, pacifiers and other milk utensils. If these milk utensils are not strictly sterilized, they can be easily contaminated and affect the baby's health. If the water temperature for brewing milk powder is not enough, or the brewing time is too long, If the milk powder lasts for a long time, it may produce germs and have an adverse impact on the baby's health; in addition, once the milk powder expires or has quality problems, it will have a greater impact on the baby.