What will children do during the summer vacation? Watch TV, play computers, play games day and night, or attend various cram schools? There is only one answer, and that is to educate and guide children to use their eyes scientifically.

There are only a few days left, and the two-month summer vacation is coming.
What do children do during summer vacation?
Do you watch TV, play computer games, or attend various cram schools day and night? Every activity above
will cause considerable damage to the eyes.
Therefore, after the summer vacation every year, many children will develop myopia or worsen myopia.
Summer vacation has become a period of high incidence of myopia.

So, how can parents avoid this situation? There is only one answer to
, which is to educate and guide children to use their eyes scientifically.

1. When looking at things, look as far away as possible and for as short a time as possible.
The main reason for myopia is that children use their eyes too much at close range for a long time. Therefore, if you want to prevent the occurrence of myopia, you must let your children look more far away and less near, and keep a certain distance whether they are reading books, watching TV, looking at mobile phones, or looking at computers. For example, when reading and writing, you should remember the eye protection formula of "one punch, one foot, one inch". One punch means that the chest should be one punch away from the desk when reading and writing; one foot means that the eyes should be one foot (33 centimeters) away from the textbook; one inch means that the fingers holding the pen should be about one inch (3.33 centimeters) away from the pen tip.

At the same time, you should also reduce the time you spend looking at things continuously. For specific methods, you can refer to the "20-20-20" principle, that is, for every 20 minutes of close-range eye use, you need to rest for 20 seconds and look toward objects 20 feet (approximately 6 meters) away. Gaze over grass, green trees or other objects.

2. Spend more time in the sun and do more outdoor sports. During the summer vacation, children are addicted to staying at home playing with mobile phones, watching TV, etc. This is the reason for the high incidence of myopia during the summer vacation. At this time, parents should let their children find ways to move, instead of staying at home every day and developing bad habits. The method to get children active is also very simple. For example, exercising outdoors for 2 hours during the day can prevent myopia.

According to research by scientists, when children's eyes and bodies are exposed to sunlight during outdoor activities, it will cause the body to secrete more dopamine and vitamin D, thereby inhibiting the growth of the eyeballs and inhibiting the occurrence and development of myopia. At the same time, when performing outdoor sports, children's eyes are always looking far away and can get sufficient rest, which relaxes the eye's regulating muscles and relieves visual fatigue.

3. Get more rest, eat less sweets, and drink less carbonated drinks. During the summer vacation, children are very prone to unhealthy living habits such as irregular work and rest schedules and irregular eating habits. These living habits will cause children to suffer from myopia or worsen myopia. . Therefore, during the summer vacation, parents should educate their children to develop regular living habits and sleep for at least 10 hours a day so that their eyes can get sufficient rest. At the same time, don’t be picky about food, eat less foods with high sugar content such as ice cream, cakes, candies, and carbonated drinks, eat more fruits and vegetables, and supplement vitamins and minerals.

4. If you find a problem, take your child to have his or her eyesight checked immediately
In daily life, parents should observe their children's behavior. If they find that their children often squint, blink frequently, rub their eyes frequently, or like to look at objects with their heads tilted, If you have symptoms such as frequent frowning and close eyes when looking at things, you should take your children to an eye hospital or clinic to check their vision in a timely manner and actively prevent and treat them.

You should know that when a child first experiences myopia-like symptoms such as unclear vision or blurred vision, it is mostly pseudomyopia. Pseudomyopia is a temporary symptom of blurred vision due to excessive use of the eyes, which causes the ciliary muscles to tighten without rest, unable to recover on their own, and the ability to adjust. At this time, as long as you take your child to an eye hospital or clinic for treatment in time, carefully follow the doctor's advice, and cooperate with the doctor's treatment, pseudomyopia can be recovered. However, if parents ignore it, reversible pseudomyopia will soon turn into irreversible true myopia.

As long as children can insist on using their eyes scientifically, summer vacation may also be a recovery period for eyesight, allowing children who have been busy studying to rest their eyes, which will help relieve children's long-term visual fatigue and promote eyesight improvement.