When family education encounters the code of life: as a parent, are you willing to be your child's Bole?

Hi everyone, I’m Life Password Happiness Xixi Club Mu Yan.

We often say that children are different, and the way of education should be different.

Mu Yan talked about our two children. The son is 8 years old and the daughter is 5 years old.

My son is a person who likes to stay in his own world.

The person in the same dormitory who lives on campus for one semester, if you ask him to talk about their names, he can't say them right away.

Of course I believe he knows their names, and he usually plays with them, but because his mind is not social, he can't blurt out their names.

span 1My 5-year-old daughter went to kindergarten and met almost all the friends in the class in 4 days.

Even after a month or two, I found that he and his parents knew a little bit.

was born to the same parents and grew up in the same environment.

But the personality is really quite different.

It can be seen that each child is born with a different natural personality.

Password parenting is to let us know the child’s personality in advance and conduct targeted education.

Although the two children are very different in terms of making friends, I never feel that my son is not good in this aspect and must be changed.

p1span 2 strong children we can guideBut this should definitely not be the focus of educating children.

The point of educating children is to accept his original appearance and stimulate his potential.

Although sons do not like to make friends like their daughters, they will not take the initiative to say hello when they meet adults.

But his thinking and logic skills are particularly good, he loves reading books, and likes to study and explore things.

He Youjun won the first place in 22 seconds in the most powerful brain 4 times 4 Huarong Road.

And Mu Yan's son, once at the age of 7, used 13 seconds to complete the 3 by 3 Huarong Dao and 35 seconds to complete the 4 by 4 Huarong Dao.

This is where his talent lies.

Of course, whether son or daughter, through the password, I found that they have many advantages.

Mu Yan has been telling many consultants that when you learn to use passwords to raise children, you will find that your child is really a little angel.



And you, as a parent, would you like to be your child's Bole?

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