Three days in university and two days in kindergarten, New Zealand has such a group of teachers active

2020/07/1919:50:28 baby 2517

There is such a group of people in New Zealand who are free and happy to walk between higher education and early childhood education. On a certain day of the week, they were on the campus of the university, in a lecture hall with a capacity of 100 people, using ppt to talk; on the other days, they were in the kindergarten, digging in the sandpit with the children Sand, playing with plasticine, playing house, feeding the children, changing diapers...

Yes, no matter where they are, they have a common name, which is teacher: they are university teachers and also Teacher in kindergarten. It is indeed a very interesting phenomenon. There are such a group of people active in New Zealand. They are both university teachers and kindergarten teachers, and they enjoy it. They are indeed the backbone of New Zealand’s early childhood education to win the world's reputation.

Three days in university and two days in kindergarten, New Zealand has such a group of teachers active - DayDayNews

How to become a kindergarten teacher in New Zealand

Working in a kindergarten in New Zealand requires becoming a formal kindergarten teacher. There are two terms for formal kindergarten teachers. One is a qualified teacher or a registered teacher. To become a qualified teacher,

needs to have a corresponding degree. The minimum is a three-year college diploma. At the same time, some people will choose to take a bachelor's degree. It is also a three-year education. The difference between a three-year college and a three-year bachelor's degree lies in the depth and breadth of teaching. Whether it is a college or a bachelor's course, it is necessary to complete the corresponding internship during these three years. After completing your studies, you will be qualified to apply for registered teachers only after you get the relevant diploma. After

obtains the graduation certificate, you can fill out the form to submit an application to the Teachers Association. The Teachers Association will issue a temporary registered teacher license to the applicant after inspection. Licensees can work in accordance with the qualifications of registered teachers and enjoy the benefits of teachers. This temporary professional certificate lasts for one year. In a year, you need to complete the corresponding number of working hours within a year step by step, and meet other professional requirements before you can apply for a formal registered teacher qualification.

majors in early childhood education, some of them choose to engage in early childhood education after graduating from high school, and there are also some adults. For example, children have basically grown up and started school. Many full-time mothers return to the workplace if they wish In early childhood education, the first thing they have to do is to obtain the corresponding teacher qualifications, and they must first obtain a diploma in early childhood education.

Many people who used to be professionals in other industries, because of coincidence in various aspects, hope to switch to preschool education majors. They also need to obtain corresponding certificates before they formally enter the industry. These professionals generally have relatively high academic backgrounds and hold a bachelor’s degree. Many higher education institutions in New Zealand have tailored a graduate program for this group because of their professional background and high-quality , So that they have very strong learning ability. At the same time, because of their professional background and accumulated work experience, they also have certain social abilities. What they lack is understanding child psychology, understanding how to deal with children, and how to use correct education Teaching methods provide services for young children. Therefore, the school has set up a one-year postgraduate course, allowing these professionals to quickly transfer to the preschool education industry.

New immigrants from different countries account for a large part of this group of people. Since many immigrants arrive in New Zealand as skilled immigrants, most of them have received higher education. If you choose to be a kindergarten teacher in New Zealand, you don’t have to start all over again. Starting a three-year study, it only takes one year to be qualified as a professional teacher.

New immigrants are engaged in education in New Zealand and become a formal registered teacher. The biggest challenge is English. Regardless of whether it is the requirements of studying at a university or applying for a teacher qualification from the teacher association, you must have a strong IELTS score, 4 7s in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There are no conditions to speak in black and white. Of course, such a requirement is reasonable and reasonable. Language is the key to the particularity of the profession of teacher!

Three days in university and two days in kindergarten, New Zealand has such a group of teachers active - DayDayNews

The basic guarantee of teacher professionalism

registered teacher system, teachers need to hold a certificate to work, so that the quality of employees in the New Zealand early childhood education system is guaranteed. For registration requirements, every practitioner has at least three years of higher education experience. This makes early childhood education practitioners have a relatively high threshold and need to have the minimum professional knowledge and professionalism.

The registered teacher system is not to get the teacher qualification certificate once and for all. If you want to work in the kindergarten for a long time, you need to renew the qualification certificate every three years, which is to re-measure according to the standards of registered teachers. Of course, the education background is already The only thing that needs to be measured is that in the past three years, you have to work in the industry according to the qualifications of the corresponding registered teachers, and have reached the corresponding number of working hours. The method of evaluation is that when submitting the application, the supervisor in charge needs to sign and confirm the work performance during the three-year period, and the applicant himself must prepare complete written materials to prove his work performance within the three-year period. Often before renewing the teacher qualification certificate, every teacher will prepare a thick work log. Including daily work records, and more importantly, the different types of professional training attended during these three years.

So as a kindergarten teacher, it is still a process of continuous learning in the work. You must constantly reflect on the difficulties you encounter in your work, as well as the new knowledge you learn, and how to explore your potential. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and the Teachers Association will provide various lectures for practitioners from time to time, with the purpose of improving the professional skills and knowledge of preschool teachers.

Three days in university and two days in kindergarten, New Zealand has such a group of teachers active - DayDayNews

The standard of teachers will also be uneven. Although

says that as a registered teacher, you have to meet the minimum standards, but the level will also be very different. Most of the staff engaged in early childhood education have a common characteristic, that is, they like children. In the case of very flexible career choices, most people will choose the industry they prefer, and the same is true for the preschool teacher industry.

The overall quality of preschool education after graduating from high school is average. This type of teacher usually pays much attention to family life since childhood, and children who like to deal with children very much. They often use this as a goal during the school stage. In most cases, they will not put too much pressure on themselves, because in New Zealand They have already started elective courses in high school. If children's goal after graduating from high school is to engage in early childhood education, they will choose the corresponding courses in high school. For example, it is also a kindergarten education, which is only one level lower than higher education. There are also some cooking, sewing, visual arts, music and so on. Instead of choosing more advanced courses such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, and social sciences. In other words, they will not be top students in high school. Generally, these children are teachers of the younger generation of kindergarten. They will get along with their children and will be very popular with them.

However, because they lack certain social experience, and because they do not have a broader and more profound academic background in the process of learning, they may be superficial and superficial when they see the problem. When challenged, you will be at a loss.

Therefore, they will become the backbone of the daily work of the kindergarten, and will play a very important role in taking care of the children and daily teaching. But the professional background and social experience need to be continuously improved in the work. The other category of

is the backbone of early childhood education in New Zealand mentioned earlier. They are often older, have a certain social experience, and professional background. Some people were early kindergarten teachers. After years of early childhood education, they re-enter the university for advanced studies and continue to study for a master's degree or a doctorate degree in early childhood education. There is another category that has other professional knowledge before, especially in education, for example, once a university teacher, middle school teacher or elementary school teacher, as well as some music and aesthetic education workers, gradually becoming aware of early childhood education during work After a one-year postgraduate course in early childhood education, they began to work in kindergartens. Due to their professional educational background, they pay more attention to the development of children’s psychological governance in their early childhood, and they are more focused on theory The combination of research and practice often leads to further studies, and then becomes an expert in child psychology, behavior, language, education, etc., and engages in research and teaching in related fields.

But it is very worth noting that this group of people will not be shut in schoolInside the ivory tower of surgery, their working place is not only on a university campus or a research center, they often interact with children by themselves. They will always go to the kindergarten in person for two or three days a week, just like ordinary kindergarten teachers, ordinary kindergarten teachers do their daily work.

itself is based on their own educational philosophy, separated from the first-hand information. Any research is a castle in the air. Any research should start from observing children, so as to sincerely explore the rules and gradually form a system. The doctrine of sex. Therefore, there will be many people. Although they have the status of lecturers, professors and writers in universities, they are also professional staff of New Zealand kindergarten teachers and have the status of registered kindergarten teachers. On the other hand, in order to maintain the qualifications of registered teachers, to be able to be qualified early childhood education practitioners requires a fixed time every week to work on the front line. Therefore, everyone’s wishes and the government’s requirements are complementary. On the one hand, these people hope to have first-hand information, be able to keep in touch with children, to update their knowledge of children, and to satisfy the government’s qualifications for preschool teachers. It’s not surprising that they roam freely between university and kindergarten like this. The existence of this group of

enables New Zealand early childhood education to ensure high quality to a large extent and enjoy a world-class reputation. From the compilation of the educational syllabus to the relevant teacher training, the combination of theory and practice is very important. The majority of practitioners have a deeper understanding of children's physical and mental development, and can have a place to eat and conduct effective education. Any theoretical theories, educational concepts, teaching and teaching methods are not imagined by researchers out of thin air, but are rooted in the results of their long-term, continuous, and immediate work with their children, gradually accumulated, analyzed, and researched. This not only ensures the physical and mental development of children, but also provides practical methods for the majority of frontline teachers. At the same time, they are also active on the front line. With such high-quality teachers, it is difficult for children not to like kindergartens. At the same time, the profession of kindergarten teacher is widely respected.

introduce myself:

I am a teacher and a mother of two children. New Zealand registered teacher, a Beijinger living in the southern hemisphere. Two babies, one in university and one in elementary school. The job other than bringing a baby is to be a teacher in a kindergarten, so children are all in life. Parenting and education are topics of concern to me.

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