The child's father came home from get off work and saw his precious son playing with his beloved rubber ball that his mother had just bought. He said, "Little Bei, kiss, hug, and hold me high!" The usual naughty ways that my son loved didn't work today. The child still kept playi

2024/06/1902:47:32 baby 1780

The child's father came home from get off work and saw his precious son playing with his beloved rubber ball that his mother had just bought. He said, "Little Bei, kiss, hug, and hold me high!" The usual naughty ways that my son loved didn't work today. The child still kept playing with the beautiful ball. Dad understands and adjusts the interaction method: Only by following the child's points of interest can effective interaction be achieved. So he said: Little Bei, you have a beautiful baby, are you having fun? The child said: Dad, this is so fun. Dad said: There are many interesting ways to play with the ball. Do you want to play with Dad? Unexpectedly, the child put down his favorite rubber ball and jumped for joy, clapping his young hands: Great, great! After speaking, the child took the initiative to come over and kiss his father to achieve interaction!

The child's father came home from get off work and saw his precious son playing with his beloved rubber ball that his mother had just bought. He said,

Saying words that children like is an art of effective interaction between parents and children! Parents should start from these aspects:

The child's father came home from get off work and saw his precious son playing with his beloved rubber ball that his mother had just bought. He said,

1. Turn yourself into a child, integrate into the child's heart, and enter the child's world. Interact with children based on their current interests, use children's language to interact skillfully and communicate happily.

2. Parents should be good at observing and learn to listen. Be good at discovering children's psychological activities and listen to children's language effectively. When talking, you should squat down and look at the child kindly with soft eyes. The child finds that his parents attach great importance to what he says. The child follows suit and is also very willing to listen to what his parents say and act effectively. Remember that when your children are talking to you, you are distracted and perfunctory, staring at your mobile phone, watching your popular TV series, and playing your games... Over time, your children will lack interest in interacting with you and will naturally listen. I won't accept your "kind words".

3. When communicating with children, pay attention to their reactions and attitudes. Because modern parents are busy at work and under high pressure in life, they often lack patience when talking to their children and are eager to express their "instructions", hoping that their children will obey and obey, be well-behaved and sensible. Ignoring children's ideas and suggestions makes children feel uncomfortable with their parents' language, and they will naturally become bored and resistant, and may even feel that their parents don't love them anymore. The generation gap between parents and children will become deeper and deeper, causing children to be depressed or rebellious.

4. To communicate with children, different age groups need different methods. Due to the differences in psychological characteristics of different ages and the temperament of each child, parents should be good at discovering and adjusting methods in a timely manner. When we are younger, we should personally demonstrate and guide our children to learn, while when we are older, we should encourage, expand our ideas, and help our children overcome difficulties.

5. Give me the opportunity to interact with my children. You can’t talk to your child anytime and anywhere. You shouldn’t give your child the food he likes when he’s sleepy; don’t guide your child to go to bed when he’s very interested; don’t preach too much when your child is in a bad mood. Because you will be annoyed if I leave you alone. Seizing the opportunity is like following the weather, getting twice the result with half the effort.

6. The tone and tone of conversations with children are also very important. Rigid and commanding preaching is the root of children's rebellion. The kind of negative language with instructions, warnings, threats, blames, and rejections is the root cause of destroying children's self-esteem and self-confidence, and leading children to the rebellious period .

7. Nagging, chattering, or talking about the past is completely nonsense to children. As a parent, don't be long-winded when speaking. Just stop to the point. As long as the purpose of education is achieved, it is a good communication.

The child's father came home from get off work and saw his precious son playing with his beloved rubber ball that his mother had just bought. He said,

When interacting with children, do not be impatient or have a tough attitude. Children are replicas of their parents. Learning what they like is their specialty. Being their child's "first class teacher" is a compulsory course for every parent!

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