The post-90s generation who were once labeled as "rebellious" have unknowingly bid farewell to their youth and become a generation that is "forced to marry" and "forced to give birth". In fact, we can understand why the elders in the family are so anxious, because the oldest gene

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The post-90s generation who were once labeled as "rebellious" have unknowingly bid farewell to their youth and become a generation that is "forced to marry" and "forced to give birth".

can actually understand why the elders in the family are so anxious, because the oldest generation born in the 1990s has already passed the 30-year-old threshold and is about to enter the ranks of late marriage and late childbearing.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

html Xiao Dan, who was born in 2090, and her husband have been married for three years. Because they got married so early, she has never experienced the trouble of being "forced to get married."

However, since they have been married for three years and still have no children, Xiao Dan and her husband have now become the focus of "nurturing" children among their relatives and friends.

The three aunts and six mothers-in-law had secretly accused Xiao Dan of "infertility" in their minds. In their eyes, if a woman has not given birth to a child after the age of 30, she probably has a problem with her fertility.

Therefore, every time Xiao Dan returns to his hometown, these "warm-hearted" relatives will give Xiao Dan various "tricks".

In fact, Xiao Dan's psychology is similar to that of Ming Jing. She knows very well that the reason why she has not been pregnant for three years is because she and her husband have not planned to have children, not because Xiao Dan does not like children.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

She feels that the current financial strength of herself and her husband cannot provide a good growth environment for their children. Originally, Xiao Dan was not in a hurry about having children, thinking that he could consider having children after he was 35 years old.

But something happened suddenly some time ago, made her change her plan to . Xiao Dan's mother suddenly fell ill and required hospitalization. His father also fell ill because it was too hard to take care of his mother.

Both parents fell ill, and as an only child, Xiao Dan was extremely busy. Sitting in the ward, she looked at the haggard faces of her parents, and a thought suddenly came to her mind: "It would be great if I had brothers and sisters."

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

After her parents were discharged from the hospital, Xiao Dan suddenly matured, and she immediately Put pregnancy preparation on the agenda. The experience of taking care of her parents gave her an idea. She didn't want her child to be alone anymore and become an only child . She calculated that if she wanted to have a second child, she didn't have much time left.

Many times, life will teach people to grow. Those youthful and rebellious post-90s generation quickly transformed into mature adults in the face of the pressure of life. If it hadn't been for his parents' illness, Xiao Dan might have felt that he wasn't in a hurry to have a baby.

Many young couples have the same mentality as Xiao Dan. They are not anxious about having children. It is not until they encounter trouble in the end and suffer a loss that they suddenly wake up and realize how important it is to do the right thing at the right age.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

Take childbirth as an example. In fact, the most suitable age for women to have children is between 24 and 29 years old. Women of this age have several advantages if they become mothers.

First of all, , female reproductive capacity in this age group is at its peak, with good ovarian function and high egg quality. Women are less likely to have accidents such as fetal arrest and miscarriage after pregnancy.

In addition to their physical advantages, women tend to mature psychologically earlier than men. Women in this age group have a stable psychological state and are ready to be mothers.

Moreover, women in this age group also have certain financial strength and can bear the financial pressure of raising children.

The optimal childbearing age for men will be slightly later than that for women, ranging from 30 to 35 years old. Men in this age group are becoming more mature psychologically and are able to play the role of fathers well.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

The most important thing is that the sperm quality of most men can reach its optimal state within this age range.

It can be seen from this that the best time left for couples born in the 1990s to prepare for pregnancy is really becoming less and less.

The "golden months" suitable for pregnancy have been revealed. If you can get pregnant during these months, the advantages are obvious.

When it comes to pregnancy preparation, there is a lot of knowledge involved. For example, also has the best month for pregnancy preparation , which is from July to September every year.

Couples who have "plans to have a baby" must seize these few months to prepare for pregnancy.

According to research, these months can be said to be the "golden months" of the year for pregnancy preparation.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

â—Ź Dietary advantages

After pregnancy, the biggest fear for many pregnant mothers is "reverse pregnancy". When pregnancy reflux strikes, pregnant mothers can be said to have no appetite at all, and everything they eat tastes the same.

Starting from July, you can see a variety of ripe fruits and vegetables on the market. These delicious fruits and vegetables can help pregnant mothers increase their appetite and better survive the difficult first trimester .

Not only that, if pregnant mothers can eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, they can also provide various nutrients needed for the development of the fetus. Therefore, there are many benefits to preparing for pregnancy during this month.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

â—ŹClimate advantage

The season that pregnant mothers fear most is not the cold winter, but the hot summer. The temperature is high in summer, and a pregnant mother with a big belly may be out of breath and sweating profusely after just a few steps.

Hot weather makes pregnant mothers more likely to be tired, sleepy, and weak. And if you get pregnant between July and September, expectant mothers will be able to usher in the crisp autumn weather immediately, and they will be very comfortable during the entire pregnancy.

can wait until next year to give birth before the hot summer and successfully escape the sweltering heat. Therefore, July to September, as the "golden months" for pregnancy, can be said to have great advantages in terms of climate.

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

â—ŹHealth Advantages

The first three months of pregnancy are called the "dangerous period" because they are the teratogenic sensitive period of the fetus and are also the period of high incidence of biochemical, fetal arrest, miscarriage and other accidents.

If pregnant mothers can get pregnant between July and September, they will avoid the spring when infectious diseases such as influenza are highly prevalent in early pregnancy. From a health perspective, it is safer for the fetus and pregnant mothers. .

The post-90s generation who were once labeled as

Parenting Message

7-September is the "golden month" for pregnancy preparation and pregnancy. Couples who plan to have a baby, don't hesitate anymore and hurry up and "make a baby" during these months.

But in many cases, pregnancy is not something you can get pregnant if you want to. It also requires a certain amount of fate. Pregnant mothers don’t need to worry too much if they fail to conceive during this optimal pregnancy preparation time. As long as you pay more attention to your diet, work and rest, exercise, etc. during pregnancy, you can still give birth to a healthy, smart and lovely baby.

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