The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the "Good Hab

2024/05/1302:40:33 baby 1522

's previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose?

Chinese registered dietitian , Liu Songli, founder of "Good Habits Diet", in the book "Children Know How to Eat, Grow Taller, Not Fat and Healthy" mentioned a little knowledge about choosing milk and yogurt, which I will share with you below.

1. Selection of milk:

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

There is one sentence when choosing milk: "Simplicity is the last word." The author's suggestion is to choose "pure natural" milk.

So what is considered “purely natural” milk? The easiest way is to look at the ingredient list. Except for raw milk and in the ingredient list of

, milk without any other ingredients is pure natural milk.

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

Pure natural milk can be divided into pasteurized milk (fresh milk) and ultra-high temperature sterilized milk (pure milk) according to the sterilization method.

The sterilization temperature of fresh milk is usually below 100°C. The b vitamins that are easily lost at high temperatures are usually well retained. However, the disadvantage is that the shelf life is very short and must be refrigerated, usually 3 to 5 days.

Pure milk has a relatively long shelf life. It is generally stored at room temperature for 45 days, and some even last for several months. But its disadvantage is that the sterilization temperature is relatively high, and the B vitamins are almost lost.

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

Both types of milk have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose according to the needs of your family. When purchasing, remember to check that the ingredient list only contains raw milk, and look for the words "fresh milk" or "pure milk" on the outer packaging.

I need to remind everyone here that there are many flavored milks on the market. Most of the flavored milks contain food additives such as flavors and pigments. They taste better, but they are indeed not suitable for children, so you have to keep your eyes peeled when choosing. In other words, it is best to drink pure natural milk.

2. Selection of yogurt:

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

First, look at the protein content. The protein content per 100g of yogurt is greater than 2.3g, which is considered qualified yogurt. The higher the content, the better.

Secondly, look at the carbohydrate content. The lower the carbohydrate content, the better. If there are more than 5g of carbohydrates per 100g of yogurt, it is likely that additional sugar has been added. In this case, the less sugar added, the better.

Third, look at the ingredient list. The simpler the ingredient list, the better, preferably plain yogurt. The longer the yogurt’s ingredient list, the more food additives may be added.

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

Fourth, for probiotic yogurt you need to pay extra attention to the number of probiotic strains. It will be marked on the car. A single serving of yogurt must contain at least 100 million (1*10 to the 9th power) of probiotics to be valuable.

The previous article said that if you want your children to grow taller, you cannot do without the intake of dairy products. So there are so many varieties of milk and yogurt on the market, how do you choose? Liu Songli, a Chinese registered dietitian and founder of the

Regarding how to choose milk and yogurt, I will share these, I hope it will be helpful to you.

I am @ sitting and watching the clouds ​, a full-time mother born after 1985. After taking care of her children, she reads, studies, shares knowledge, and grows up side by side with her children.

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