After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a

2024/05/0507:14:33 baby 1346

After the baby is born, when they are very young, of course the mother will take them to sleep, because this will make it easier to feed breast milk at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache.

After all, couples need to have sex, but when there is an extra baby around, they will naturally be restricted.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

Sometimes it seems like the baby is asleep, but early the next morning, they can tell the details of their parents' intimacy, and the rich details make people blush instantly.

Therefore, many people think that sleeping with their babies is equivalent to having no sex life. Because of this, when the children get older, parents want to let them sleep by themselves. It's just that the process of sleeping in separate rooms is not easy. Many children will resist it. Maybe they are used to sticking to their parents.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

There are many opinions on the Internet about when children should sleep in separate rooms. Some even say that children should be separated into separate rooms when they are three or four years old. Others say that if children sleep with their parents for a long time, they are likely to develop precocious puberty. affect their future independence.

However, these claims have not been scientifically recognized. Instead, they are called rumors because they are not scientific. An expert once told the truth that sleeping in separate rooms is not necessarily directly related to a child's independence.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

As for when you should sleep in separate rooms with your children, it cannot be generalized for different children. Some children mature and become independent earlier, so the time of sleeping in separate rooms can be advanced appropriately. However, if children are forced to sleep in separate rooms, it is likely to cause them to lack a sense of security and affect their healthy growth.

Rather than saying that sleeping in separate rooms has a great impact on children, it is better to say that it has a greater impact on couples. Because if children and parents do not share rooms or beds for a long time, it will lead to a decrease in the frequency of sexual life between the couple and even cause conflicts between them.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

Separate beds or sleeping in separate rooms, these three points are very important

1. Observe the child's behavior

If the child does not need parents to worry about covering the quilt when sleeping at night, he can relieve himself, or be affectionate to his parents. If the child behaves very curiously, parents can consider sharing a bed or sleeping room with them.

Of course, some children will take the initiative to sleep in separate rooms, so parents must not feel reluctant or unable to bear it and refuse, because this exactly represents the growth of their children.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

2. Room assignment starts with separate beds.

Some children cannot accept sleeping in separate rooms for a while, so parents can try to let them sleep in separate beds first. At this time, parents can use provocation to tell them that a certain friend has slept in a separate bed, and the child will naturally not be far behind.

At the same time, parents can let their children prepare their own crib items, such as putting their favorite toys and laying out their favorite bed sheets. They can even let their children choose their favorite crib, so that the children will naturally and easily accept the arrangement. bed to sleep on.

After the babies are born, when they are very young, of course the mother takes them to sleep, because this makes it easier to breastfeed at night. But as babies grow up day by day, if they still sleep with their mothers or parents, it sometimes causes parents a headache. After a - DayDayNews

3. Gradually transition to sleeping in separate rooms

Children also like to be given high hats, so parents should praise their children more and instill in them the idea that they are already grown-up children. In this way, the child will subconsciously feel that he should be independent, and the performance starts from sleeping in separate rooms. After

, parents can let them decorate the room themselves and tell their children that this is their private little space. Of course, parents should spend more time with them when they have time, so that their children can sleep in separate rooms easily.

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