Live life, live life, have suffering and happiness. If you look at the problem from your own point of view, it is everyone else's fault. If you can put yourself in someone else's shoes and consider the problem from someone else's point of view, then things will be counterproducti

Live life, live life, have both suffering and happiness. If you look at the problem from your own point of view, it is everyone else's fault.

If you can put yourself in someone else's shoes and consider issues from others' perspective, then things will be counterproductive and you will make many mistakes.

If we each give in, the sky will be brighter and the sun will be just right. Live in harmony, coexist and coexist, and treat each other sincerely.

Harmonious symbiosis, it is best to live in harmony, so that both parties can be respected, and what they get in exchange is sincere recognition.

We live in harmony, work together, respect each other, live in harmony, treat each other with sincerity and heart to heart, and the world is beautiful.

Mountains and rivers are dependent on each other, and the piano and the piano are in harmony, all because of understanding, understanding, cherishing each other, and the beauty of the heart.

Don’t be hard on yourself, everything is beautiful when your heart is beautiful, and everything is deep when your love is deep. Some people live in mansions, some live in straw huts, some are brilliant, and some are covered in dirt. There are thousands of people in the world, don’t pursue floating clouds. This person is like a rainbow, you will know when you meet him.

Be a human being, be sensible and grateful, and be content with what you have. Do things with a virtuous and kind attitude, and conduct yourself with an open mind.

Be tolerant and generous in everything you do, and don’t be hard on yourself. Kindness must be sharp!

Giving roses to others leaves a lingering fragrance in your hands.

original poems, God bless HR

(Internet picture intrusion and deletion) 2022.7.15