The season has entered the mild summer season, and soon it will be the severe summer heat. The farmer's proverb says, "the mild summer heat is not considered hot, but the severe summer heat is the dog days." Therefore, heat is the most obvious characteristic of summer weather. In

The season has entered the mild heat, and soon it will be the severe heat. The farmer's proverb says, "the mild heat is not hot, but the severe heat is the dog days." Therefore, heat is the most obvious characteristic of summer days.

In the hot summer, the heat is unbearable, and I sweat every time I move. I can't sleep well, can't eat, and will become irritable. Nature is like this, there is rain and snow, cold and heat, it will not change at all because of people's will, but the greenhouse effect is related to human activities, but its results also add to people's troubles, and It's not what people want. Therefore, we can only follow nature and adapt to the changes in nature.

It is true that the power of nature cannot be violated. The many changes in nature, such as cloud, rain, snow, cold and warm, are the objective and real existence that tests our will. These existences allow us to perceive nature and feel life. If we can all realize this, it means that we all have an optimistic attitude towards life, which is really gratifying.

In this hot summer, we all hope for a ray of breeze to blow away the irritability and stress of our bodies and minds. We also hope for a piece of coolness to calm the mind and purify the spirit. However, hope is still hope. The heat will remain the same and the irritability will deepen. What should I do? Modern people have invented electric fans and air conditioners. Sitting at home or in the office naturally alleviates the heat to a certain extent. However, these methods are sometimes useless. Some people suffer from air conditioning disease and arthritis when using air conditioners, which makes them sick. People suffer so much that they cannot bear the pain.

Nature is profound and mysterious, and people sometimes feel powerless and at a loss as to what to do, but as the wisest of all things, people always have ways and wisdom to deal with it. At this time, we might as well drink a cup of tea, enjoy the lotus flowers, listen to some music, practice calligraphy, and read a good book with a delicate fragrance. As long as you calm down, you will feel a ray of breeze blowing into your soul. Relieve the heat and stress in the scorching heat, "the mind is calm and naturally cool", and the coolness arises spontaneously.

I believe that people today have developed the ability to live in harmony with nature, coexist with nature, adapt to heaven and earth, and let life and life run orderly in a benign and healthy orbit. This is the wisdom and wisdom we should have. manner. #What principles have you realized in life#