When I don’t want to talk, pay attention to, or see people, I will find a quiet place with a good atmosphere, watch a movie, think about other people’s things and people, and think about how to respond and fight back.

Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory, especially for women. I often feel annoyed, a little annoyed, annoyed, annoyed, annoyed. Fortunately, many years of experience have taught me that this is what you do when you are a little annoyed:

Leave the moment, pour a cup of tea, make a cup of coffee, or call a gentle friend to talk about the current situation, talk about the past, and brag about yourself. Work hard and be beautiful, and then don’t forget to plan trips and journeys that may not come true in a short time. Finally, cherish each other and start working hard again. I have four or five tacit close friends like this, so it's a bit annoying. For me, it's a warm moment to reconnect with old friends and keep in touch with each other about our feelings and current status.

This is what you do when you feel annoyed:

How annoying is it? When you don’t want to talk, deal with people, or see people, you will find a quiet place with a good atmosphere, watch a movie, and think about other people’s things and people. Think about how to respond and fight back. I am not a militant, but I am not willing to sit back and watch being bullied and feel sorry for myself. This is not only a disservice to myself, but also to the society! If the evil forces are allowed to succeed or go unchecked, there will never be justice in society, so I would like to advise those who want to find trouble to do so. Be careful. Don't mess with me!

will also find a department store or mass merchandiser to go shopping. The private money that is usually frugal comes in handy at this time, or some unlucky guy has a lot of money and time and wants to make a big cut. However, I will feel distressed for a long time afterward, and then I will work hard to make money and spend money, which is a bit of a vicious cycle, but it is good to be happy, and life will be boring if you think too much about it.

This is what you do when you are a little bored and don’t want to live:

At this time, really don’t pay attention to me. Whoever is nosy may regret it and be dependent on me for life and never be reincarnated. It’s others who don’t want to live, and it’s definitely not me, because I won’t be able to think about it but think about the whole person, the kind of memories that will be unforgettable for a lifetime, hehe! It’s not an exaggeration.

Or buy a plane ticket and drift around. You don’t want to live anyway! Then just put yourself to death and live. At this time, I like to travel alone to mainland China, the United States, Thailand, and other countries. I often make many good friends as a result. Change the country, change the language, and change the way of life, so that you can have the motivation and willpower to live, as well as the faith and courage to return to Taiwan no matter what, not wanting to die abroad. Life will always find its own way. Be a human being! Don't be too serious and don't care too much. Life will be easy.