1. There are always some people around you who are attentive when they need you, but are indifferent when they don't need you. 2. If you are not satisfied, change it. If you don’t like it, break it up. If you feel uncomfortable, leave it. If you are unhappy, leave it. There is no


There are always some people around you who are attentive when they want you, but indifferent when they don't need you.


If you are not satisfied, change it, if you don’t like it, break it up, if you feel uncomfortable, leave it, if you are unhappy, leave it. There is not so much pain in life, it’s just that you don’t let yourself go.


There were more and more yesterday, and less and less tomorrow. The road I have traveled has been long, and I have met many people. I have accidentally discovered that the most beautiful scenery in life is the calmness and calmness of the heart, and the wisdom and sobriety of the mind.


How can there be so many audiences in life? I often get too involved in the drama. In fact, this society has no time to care about you. Everything can be said goodbye, or never seen again. Frankly, it's not a big deal.


Don't get acquainted with anyone too quickly. Don't think that the topics are the same at the beginning. There are many things in common, and you are close friends who have known each other for a long time. Words are often fake, but what we experience together is real.


In fact, there is nothing that cannot be let go. As time goes by, when you look back, you will find that the things you once thought you could not let go are just a springboard in life to make you grow.


We cannot control what others think; nor can we force what others do. The only thing we can do is to do our best, follow our own path, and live a good life according to our own principles.


If you are smart, some will say you are scheming. If you work hard, some will say you are lucky. If you are naturally optimistic, some will say you are hypocritical. You meet too many people in your life. As long as your heart is clear, you will never have to please someone who does not understand you. people.


The people who drive you crazy in the end are the ones who say good things to you over and over again. The people you trust the least in the end are the people you trust the most in the beginning. The people who ultimately transform you are the ones you risk your life on.


Only after you have walked some roads, loved some people, and suffered some injuries will you understand that the sense of security given by others is an illusion and will only spread your inner uneasiness. And true security always comes from inner independence and self-sufficiency.


Between people, it may be your words that make people comfortable at first, but later it must be your character that makes people convinced. As a person, you must be a person who makes people feel at ease. No matter how many years we have known each other, I can always say sincerely that it is great to know you.


Life is for happiness, not for calculation; feelings are for cherishing, not for testing; money is for serving, not for measuring; trust is for using To settle, not to challenge.