Life seems simple, but it carries too many unavoidable circumstances; life seems easy, but it always makes people unable to control themselves. This world is not perfect. Learn to accept and understand it. I hope you will still have warmth in your heart after all your experiences

Life seems simple, but it carries too many unavoidable circumstances; life seems easy, but it always makes people unable to control themselves. This world is not perfect. Learn to accept and understand it. I hope you will still have warmth in your heart after all your experiences.

When we reach middle age, time and experience have taught us that we have to bear everything alone, so we gradually become silent about laughter and silent about pain. Many times, what you think you missed is a regret, but in fact, you may have dodged a bullet.

There are reincarnations in the four seasons, and warmth and coldness in the world. In this life, we must learn to love ourselves more than anyone else, because only ourselves are the only light in this trivial life. Loving yourself well is the best way to live.

I have to get used to anyone being hot or cold, and I have to get used to anyone drifting away. At this age, I no longer have the energy to please anyone. I will be nice to anyone who is nice to me. I don’t want to have a relationship that is even a little tiring. Maintenance, firstly, there is no time, and secondly, it is not necessary.

In any relationship, you can get along everywhere, and if you can't, just turn around. Treat people and things that have nothing to do with you with an indifferent attitude, don't refute, just laugh it off if you disagree, and don't waste time arguing about irrelevant things, which is pointless and unnecessary.

When people reach middle age, they should obey the imperfections of life, tolerate the difficulties of life, live a stable life, live a calm and low-key life, not show off, don't compare, don't show off, only collect the good things, place the deep feelings properly and lightly. Let go of your worries, embrace yourself warmly, listen to the wind when it comes, and watch the rain when it rains.

Time, the shades are suitable; people's hearts, far and near, are at peace. For the rest of your life, look at people with appreciation, do things with tolerance, live with contentment, and look at the world with gratitude. You will find that the world is better because of you.

headline number/Feng Xinyue