When a person lives a lifetime, what does it matter if he is poor, and what if he is rich? In this world, whether it is elegance or vulgarity, it is most important to have a thorough understanding, not to be obsessed with getting into trouble, and to live well in the coming days

People live forever, so what if they are poor, and what if they are rich? Contentment is the real life, coming and going is life!

In this world, whether it is elegant or vulgar , it is most important to have a clear understanding, not to be obsessed with getting into trouble, and to live well in the upcoming dog days.

Today is July 2nd, Saturday, the fourth day of the sixth lunar month. June has left quietly, and July has arrived with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. We let the stories and beauty of June pass by with reluctance step by step along with the sound of July. go.

Every June will be replaced by July, and every sad or happy story in the passing years will be replaced by a new round of sadness and joy in the cycle of time.

Just as we are reminiscing about the past June and ushering in the passionate July, abnormally high temperatures also come at this time of year.

The ten days of the "first fall": July 16-July 25; The twenty days of the "mid-fall": July 26-August 14 ; The ten days of the "final period": August 15th - August 24th.

This year, the weather during the "mid-voltage" period is obviously much more special, lasting 20 days. In addition, the weather has recently appeared in many parts of our country. With abnormally high temperatures, these forty days will be very difficult.

三volts is the hottest period of the year. It is the last word to do the most important physical care and health maintenance during this period!

The change of seasons and the arrival of the dog days are both natural phenomena. As for the passage of years, we can only live up to our time by facing it with an optimistic mind and living happily.

In the hot summer, it is most likely to be in a bad mood or even lose your temper due to the hot weather. In summer, I prefer to be quiet and alone in a cool place.

Choose a quiet place, brew a pot of tea, light it gently, drink slowly, get rid of the noise and distracting thoughts, sit against the time, listen to the wind, smell the fragrance, and rest your heart in a cool place.

Walking on the cypresses of the years, it is inevitable that you will be stained by the dust of travel. Those slightly vicissitudes of understanding and those indifferent moods are all the precipitation after experiencing the changes in the world.

Years are long, whether you are sad or lonely, a pot of tea can comfort you. If you let it go, you will feel at ease, calm and elegant.

There are three hundred miles of lotus flowers, and the vegetation is also lush. A wisp of fragrance, poetic romance, like wisps of smoke under the sunset, will always enrich the memory of the past in the hot summer afternoon.

Walking into July, the oncoming colors are as unpredictable as the sky: scorching sun, thunderstorms, cool summer wind... The colors are rolling on the beach, hot and passionate, blowing The playful children rise between the sky and the earth, reflecting the white clouds and the cool popsicles, showing their wanton joy.

Today is Saturday. I slept relatively well last night. My mental state is neither too good nor too bad. It is caused by many factors. There are work-related reasons and family-related reasons.

In the morning after waking up naturally, my body had recovered a lot from fatigue. I was mentally counting some of the work that needed to be done at home today, and planning some things that I would follow up on the phone.

It has been a long time since I started running in the morning. Recently, I have almost done it in the evening. Next, I still plan to start the mode of running in the morning. I need to continue to persist and apply my previous self-discipline to the extreme.

Just imagine, in the hot July, if you take a comfortable morning run step by step every day, and then take a hot shower, the day will be full of endless motivation.

In July, as the season of dog days is about to enter, you should be kinder to your body.

In the dog days, we must focus on preventing the cold!

Proper and active sweating, moderate exercise, and continuing the good habit of foot soaking before going to bed can drive the cold air retained in the body to be discharged from the body; in addition, foot soaking and sweating can relax the muscles and activate blood circulation to improve blood circulation in the body. .

With the change of seasons and the changes of time, when people and things cannot be retained, pay more attention to cultivating yourself, continue the good habit of reading more, and turn those things that should be forgotten and cannot be retained into quicksand and go away. In the long river of life.

Life is like this. Possessed, lost, sad, forgotten, everything can be relieved in the face of time. Time is a good medicine. Those joys and sorrows, love and hatred will not stay too deep in my heart. They will be healed by time and become lighter and even traceless.

However, what we will remember throughout our lives are the experiences of struggle, hard work and self-improvement. These experiences will make us more clear and thorough.

Keep reading. Take an irregular time to go to the library, read some favorite books, and borrow a few books that interest you, which can not only cultivate your mind and nature, but also enrich your heart.

is full of poetry and calligraphy! Through long-term reading, we can cultivate our temperament and enable us to become better ourselves.

In July, give yourself a new start, live seriously, go to bed on time, eat small meals frequently, continue reading, continue to exercise, treat yourself well, love yourself well, and love the present.

firmly believes that time will not disappoint sincerity every day.

Therefore, every little persistence will bring different surprises.

Time is like a book, and the seasons divide the years into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each period has feelings at each stage. In summer, we always like to look for coolness everywhere. In fact, it is not the case. The coolness is not in the scenery, but in the people. heart.

In my heart, if it is not so crowded, it will be refreshing and cool. When walking in the world, there is always bustling and noisy. However, the quiet place is actually there. The bottom of human heart.

Everyone will experience the brewing process in the four seasons of the year, and each person will have his own rhythm when he writes.

The road we have traveled has taught us to cherish. Flowers bloom and fall, decorating the mood of destined people. Maybe, people who are persistently together will eventually be separated; maybe, after ups and downs, there will be no flowers and willows, and the years will not. Smooth sailing.

Some people seem to be prosperous, but they are lonely when they turn around; some people seem to be cold, but they have a persistence hidden in their hearts. The maturity of some people is more reflected in their authenticity and purity.

years, various situations heal themselves, and various tastes can only be experienced by ourselves. No matter what the years give us, we must continue to work hard as affectionately. alive.