I want to write a long original novel, but I really don’t have the mood or time today. Too lazy to pick up a pen. Last night there was wind and rain, lightning and thunder. The momentum of the saying that man can conquer heaven will make people seriously doubt it. The power of me

I want to write a long original novel, but I really don’t have the mood or time today. Too lazy to pick up a pen.

Last night there was wind and rain, lightning and thunder. The momentum of the saying that man can conquer nature will make people seriously doubt it.

The power of memory is really powerful, especially when you are a little younger. Some of the words and phrases I memorized at that time are really unforgettable and are conditioned reflexes.

I was woken up by the wind, rain, thunder and lightning last night, and the first thing I remembered was: "Lying late at night listening to the wind and rain, the iron horse glaciers fall into sleep" this Xin Qiji famous saying.

Go out to the lawn in the morning to look at the plants after the rain. Several kinds of mushrooms have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. From a distance, it looks like a flower blooming on the green grass.

took a few short videos. I just downloaded the cutout and , and combined them together. When I sent them, the headlines said that vertical videos do not count as traffic.

There are so many headlines, this is not okay, that is not okay, even normal comments sometimes contain misleading remarks. The point is that the video quality is very mediocre, so I can stop getting angry and cool down. Let’s take a few pictures. After finishing the pictures, go to the river to see the “water melting” after the heavy rain to cool down.