There are endless scenery in the world, and I feel like I am not getting old. But I am not leaving now. Am I getting old? Wen ‖ Hengdong Shiqin Every place we have visited belongs to yesterday. No matter how green the mountains, how beautiful the water, or how gentle the wind was

There are endless scenery in the world. I feel like I am not getting old, but I am not leaving now. Am I getting old?

Text by Hengdong Shiqin

Every place we have visited belongs to yesterday. No matter how green the mountains, how beautiful the water, or how gentle the wind was yesterday, it has become a story. Every place I can think of is beautiful. Because I have never seen it before, there are too many fantasies, so I have too many expectations and thoughts!

Before I was thirty years old, I had to go out for a walk after staying at home for two months. This was the case every year. Otherwise, if you stay at home for a long time, your restless heart will always be impetuous and unsettled, as if you have lost something, you will have a special sense of loss, and you will not be able to lift your spirits!

Now that I am older, many things have solidified, and my heart has become quieter. I just want to rest when I lie down, and I no longer want to go out. I just want to wait for my children to get married and have children, and my parents to grow old, so that the mission of my life will be completed. After walking around the world for a while, I will be satisfied if I can visit all the places!

Some people say: It is a pity not to have seen the majesty of the mountains; it is still a pity to have seen the majesty of the mountains but not to see the vastness of the sea; it is still a pity to have seen the vastness of the sea but not to see the vastness of the desert; to have seen the vastness of the desert is still a pity. I have seen the mystery of the forest, but I still regret it. This is thinking too much!

You should be content in life, so that you don’t have these nameless confusions. There are too many scenery in this world, not all of which can be reached by our feet. After all, life is only a few decades, and there are many things to do besides just looking at the scenery. If you think too much, you will get too old. Come on, your mood will get worse!

There are bumps in the mountains, waves in the sea, wind and sand in the desert, and wild beasts in the forest. We know that these are dangerous, but they are also scenery. If you have the opportunity to go and see it while ensuring safety, it is also a kind of happiness, because breaking the peaceful life will make you feel younger!

Because I had such an idea when I was young, I couldn't stop. There were not many cities in China that I had not reached. I once wanted to visit every city, but worldly things were bothering me, and I also had many , Later, I couldn't help but gradually changed my mind and stopped.

When you get older, you will know that there is a big difference between being young and getting older. Whether it is physical condition, inner thoughts, or the way of doing things, they are all very different. Sometimes they are even the exact opposite. For example, between now and before, I could not stop walking, but now I don’t want to move.

I don’t know. Should I be glad that I have been to many cities and have seen the faces and mountains and rivers of major cities thirty years ago? It is worthwhile for me to come to this world; or should I be glad that I am old? My plan to walk thousands of miles was gone, and I no longer had to suffer from fatigue by car or boat.

I remember that after walking through the city, a thought would appear in my mind: There is a distance between legend and reality. Sometimes it depends on your state of mind. What kind of state of mind you have will determine what kind of scenery you see. Decades have passed, some are deeply impressed, and some only have the tickets left.

However, today I suddenly remembered that real estate development has been rapid in recent years. High-rise buildings are one after another. My body is okay. I will find a time to go out and see how many cities I have visited in these decades. How have the years changed? Is there a feeling that I don’t recognize?

Yes, I have to go out for a walk, go to the mountains to learn profoundness, the sea to learn bravery, the desert to learn calmness, and the forest to learn agility. These are things that cannot be learned at home. Without being there in person, without the fragrance of the land, and without contact with nature!

How far can we go? Not to ask our feet but our hearts; how high can we climb? Not to ask of our hands but of our thoughts and wills.Set a goal for yourself, not too high, not too low, just make yourself reach it with a little effort!

Those goals that are too high are too difficult to achieve, and you may even spend your whole life unable to achieve them, which is a embarrassment to yourself; while those goals that are too low are easy to achieve, and sometimes you can achieve them without working hard, which is a disservice to yourself. Being responsible is a waste of yourself and adds color to your life!

There are endless scenery in the world. I feel like I am not old, but I am not leaving now. Am I getting old? In fact, aging does not depend on age, but on mentality. If the mentality is young and the person is old, the person will also be young. If the mentality is old and the person is young, the person will also be old. So I have to go out for a walk!

written in Shonan Millennium Water Town Ancient Town Dapu
