As the saying goes: "If the sky is crazy, it will rain; if people are crazy, there will be disaster." No matter how arrogant God is, it will only rain. And if people are too arrogant, they can only cause trouble. Arrogance is the beginning of the decline of any career. Of course,

As the saying goes: "If the sky is crazy, it will rain; if people are crazy, there will be disaster."

No matter how arrogant the sky is, it will just rain. And if people are too arrogant, they can only cause trouble. Arrogance is the beginning of the decline of any career. Of course, this is also the source of disaster.

's arrogant attitude is reflected in all aspects, and the most critical situation should be 's "high profile" .

You are too high-profile and don’t know how to restrain yourself at all. How much blessing will you have in the rest of your life? Once there is a villain, what can you do?

Life is inherently free of troubles. However, because we become complacent after achieving a small success, disasters arise one after another.

There is a saying that is very realistic. Most misfortunes are caused by people themselves.

For example, if you have some money, you could keep a low profile and make a fortune quietly. Anyway, your life will be enjoyable. However, if you are not happy and insist on showing off to others, someone will definitely plot against you.

If a person is high-profile, he will definitely recruit villains. As a human being, if we are too high-profile in these areas, villains will come to us.


In terms of money, fame and fortune, one should not be too high-profile.

When you have money, you need to tighten your purse strings and keep your mouth shut. This way, no one knows how much money you make. As long as others are not interested in you, no one will plot against you.

In fact, everyone knows how to do this, but many people cannot do it. why? It's because of people's vanity.

Most people have this mentality - when you have money, you should let others know and let others see how powerful you are. Anyway, you have face and are decent enough.

is all about vanity and face, which has killed many people. In particular, some people who have achieved moderate success have attracted pressure from their peers and even unnecessary enemies just because they are too high-profile. In the end, their careers are gone.

There is a reality that we must understand, No one will be interested in low-key people, everyone will only focus on high-profile people. This is the truth as the saying goes, “If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.”

Therefore, when it comes to money, don’t show off too much, as this can easily lead to problems.


In terms of personal experience, it should not be too high-profile.

There once was a boss who made a fortune. He got drunk at the wine table and told the people around him about his past and personal experiences. Of course, these experiences also include his unscrupulous behavior.

Later, the boss’s words were remembered by a thoughtful person and even recorded.

After he sobered up, the boss had a problem - a colleague threatened him and asked him to make concessions in business, otherwise he would tell his colleagues about his past embarrassing things.

In order to keep his reputation, the boss could only spend money to buy a lesson.

people, the more accomplished they are, the more they like to show off their experience and abilities. What's the need for this? You know, every word and deed of an accomplished person will be recorded by someone who is thoughtful.

As a person, it is better to keep a low profile. The richer you are, the more capable you are, and the more capable you are, the less likely you are to let others know about it. We must be clear that is an unkind world.

No one cares about what you have, others just want to find out your bad side and then suppress you. This is the truth.


Regarding the issue of family wealth, we should not be too high-profile.

has seen such a thing.

There is a native of a first-tier city. When he is working in other places, he often tells people around him that he is a native of a certain first-tier city, and how many houses his parents have and how much money they have.

These words made everyone around him feel unhappy. Because where he lives, there is not much money, and many people are working hard. Therefore, his words were like a knife, making others feel a dull pain in their hearts.

Later, the young man was taught a lesson that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

When friends got together, he said this: "As a human being, it is better not to be too arrogant. Be low-key and respect the people around you more. This is the way to live in the world."

There are too many people, They all like to show off their family background, even if it is a family relationship, they will tell others. Does this really make sense? It's meaningless and will only make others unhappy and hateful.

Not everyone has a rich family background. At this time, keep a low profile, otherwise it will cause big problems.


When it comes to personal goals, you should not be too high-profile.

people are in the world, and many people will make a mistake, that is, "arrogant and arrogant".

Some people think their ideas are good, so they tell others everywhere, for fear that others will not know about them. Some people feel that their goals are superior to others, so they publicize them everywhere.

Just imagine, if he spreads his goals everywhere before accomplishing anything, what career can he achieve?

As a person, it is better not to be too high-profile. None of the people who have achieved great things in the past and present are high-profile. You know, those high-profile people either failed or became a stepping stone for others.

is like Sima Yi and Cao Shuang during the Three Kingdoms period. One is tolerant to the extreme, low-key to the extreme, and scheming, while the other is too high-profile, speaking out no matter what he does, always feeling that he is very powerful.

As a result, Sima Yi seized the power of Cao Wei during the Gaoping Ling Incident, and even Cao Shuang was caught off guard.

So, don’t talk too much about personal goals. This is the real way to do things.

text/Shushan Youlu