People are social animals and cannot live without society. Those who are called masters are those who have a very high level of dealing with things. They can make people admire, make people learn, and give you examples. In summary, there are three things: Blame, tolerate others w

People are social animals and cannot live without society. Those who are called masters are people with a very high level of dealing with things; they make people admire and learn from them, and they give you examples. There are three summaries

First, when you encounter Do not blame others, tolerate others with an indifferent heart, it is an exercise for yourself and a blessing for others. This is also the cleverness of being a human being.

Second, knowing what is known and not making it public, the so-called standard of high emotional intelligence has never been What to say, but to know when to shut up and not speak, save other people's face, and calmly help others. This is a person's cultivation

The third one is not to think too much about everything, and sometimes overthinking will lead to confusion. Increase worries; they don’t worry about the past, don’t worry about the future, they know how to live in the present and appreciate the present moment.

Life is inherently a practice, and there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. With the above three points, you will be out of the circle and reach new heights. , the work and structure will be at a high level

Starting from the second day of the second half of the original year, each of us has high aspirations, sees far, thinks broadly, acts wisely, and walks steadily

Live in the present and experience The current stability