Text/Tang Ruo Tang Ruo Xinxue’s original work. Violators will be punished. In life, each of us desires to be self-disciplined. Real self-discipline comes from our requirements and growth in life. Real self-discipline also gradually becomes our instinctive habit. . When you become

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxinxue original work , violators will be punished

In life, each of us desires to be self-disciplined. Real self-discipline comes from our requirements and growth in life. Real self-discipline also gradually changes. Become our instinctive habit.

When you become a habitual self-discipline in your bones, excellence is actually not difficult at all. Advanced self-discipline comes from our own growth and from our ability to turn willpower into our inner instincts. This is also the key to us keeping distance between people.

So how do we become habitual self-discipline and develop three habits? Please remember the three advanced mental methods.

First, develop one habit at a time

Perhaps we have all heard the saying that habits form naturally. Behind any habit is actually the development of consciousness. For example, we have developed the habit of washing your face and brushing your teeth since childhood. When it becomes a habit in your heart, you will find that it is an instinct.

Instinct will not cause us any pressure or trouble, but has become an upbringing in our bones. If we want to develop habitual self-discipline, we must first know not to stress too much, but to truly turn good habits into habits.

Just like washing your face and brushing your teeth, we do it naturally after getting up every morning. It will not cause us any burden or pressure because it has become a habit. Only by breaking down self-discipline into habits and integrating them into our daily lives can we truly implement them consistently.

How to develop a habit, the most important thing is to learn to strategically integrate all resources and focus on one goal. When we align our habits with our goals, we are more likely to achieve them.

For example, many people may have heard that reading and writing are good habits, so what should we do? If reading and writing are done at the same time, we may become entangled.

A good habit is to form one good habit at a time. First, keep reading and taking notes, leave the places where you feel, and then take notes where you feel. This is to prepare for future writing.

When we can persist for a period of time, we feel that there is no problem in integrating into reading. At this time we start to write. After the incubation of early reading, we can start writing gradually at this time. We should write a short paragraph first instead of a long paragraph. As our feelings and awareness become stronger and stronger, , let’s write another big paragraph.

You can decide which one is easier to implement based on your actual situation. In this way, you can look at the way your habits are formed, and through the development of habits, you can truly become a better version of yourself.

For individuals, willpower is our resource. Simplicity and focus can make the best use of our willpower and eventually form habits subtly.

To truly develop a habit, you must not be too greedy. When you are too greedy, many times we cannot truly be ourselves. We must start from our own small habits, and we will have a certain sense of accomplishment.

02 The second aspect is to improve the intensity of habits.

If we want to develop high-level self-discipline, we must learn to increase the intensity of habits. From a certain perspective, habits come from us gradually adapting, and we need to strengthen the improvement of habits.

What we must understand is that habits are like fitness. We must constantly step out of our comfort zone and constantly challenge ourselves. When you continue to challenge yourself, your brain will also be fully activated.

Habit development is like fitness. If you continue to exercise at the same intensity, your muscles will stop growing sooner or later. Therefore, you must adjust your habits in a timely manner and always keep yourself outside your comfort zone and remain challenging.

When we continue to adjust the strength of our habits, in some aspects, we are also constantly shaping ourselves. Good self-discipline comes with certain challenges, and it is also about knowing how to stimulate the beauty of our lives.

The emphasis on improving habits essentially allows us to see more potential in our own existence. When you realize that habits can stimulate potential, then you may understand that the real potential comes from us knowing how to appropriately increase our awareness of our own lives. challenge.

Therefore, increasing the intensity of our habits is the beginning of cultivating our true self-discipline. Good self-discipline inspires us to love our own lives, and it also inspires us to see more possibilities in ourselves.

Third, be precise and specific in your habits.

Good self-discipline is to integrate habits into your own life. This kind of habit is not based on your own emotions, but knows how to be precise and specific.

makes habits precise and concrete, so that we don’t need to think and study repeatedly before doing it every time, and we can fully use all our willpower to complete this thing. Therefore, if we want to develop a certain habit, this habit must be precise and specific.

We have determined the habits and what we need to do to become self-disciplined. In fact, the most important thing for us is to develop basic actions and behaviors.

What is basic action behavior, that is to say, we must perform some basic actions related to self-growth every day. For me, it is reading, writing, and recording videos.

For others, we can also set some basic actions according to our own industry. No matter what today is like, we must ensure that we can have some basic actions. This basic action brings the most instinctive growth habits and makes us invisible. Develop the habit of loving thinking and learning.

If we encounter something we don’t want to do, our best way is not to force ourselves to complete it, but to take a basic rest and buffer. For example, if I don't finish writing an article that day, I will set a basic action to write the outline of the article, which reduces the difficulty and improves efficiency.

Secondly, we can also continue to improve our awareness of time management and learn from outstanding people. When we continue to obtain continuous optimization habits from others, we will unconsciously increase our conscious energy.

When you are often surrounded by many excellent people, you will find that you unconsciously accept the influence of the other party, which will naturally speed up your actions. Of course, the most basic part is over, but I want to say one more thing, which is what I think is the most important. Important point.

We must learn to forgive ourselves. No matter how perfect we formulate the habit-forming process, there will still be times when it is not completed, and those hazy thoughts will prevent us from even thinking about preparing in advance.

This is actually normal. At this time, we must not criticize ourselves, but forgive ourselves. Self-forgiveness lies in the understanding of human nature. When we know how to understand our own human nature, you will find that this is a normal thing.

The most important thing for us is to know how to continuously adjust and optimize our own habits, then we will truly stick to our self-discipline habits.

Many times self-discipline is just to let us understand that behind all goals is the dismantling of effective actions, so that we can develop the habit of self-discipline, which will bring about the display of results.

Today’s topic: Do you think powerful people know how to self-discipline? Welcome to discuss and exchange.