(Picture source: Internet/Intrusion and deletion) Hello, long time no see~ I am your old friend, Wangcai. During the half month that June disappeared, a friend asked me why I didn’t update my articles. In addition to changing my account position to read and have nothing to write

(Picture source: Internet/Invasion)

Hello, long time no see~ I am your old friend, Wangcai.

During the half month of June when I disappeared, some friends asked me why I didn’t update my articles. In addition to changing my account position so that I had nothing to write about after reading, it was also because I was on summer vacation!

As this is the last long vacation of college and student days, what am I doing at home?

The end of the universe is: civil servants.

I am trying to balance the study time of civil servants and the time of self-media. Both of them require a lot of time and energy, but I don’t want to give up on either one. I am so greedy.

I failed again with the ambitious plan I set at the beginning of June ( June plan | I want to be a person who can be seen for my hard work ), but I finally found a schedule that suits me. It’s really disappointing. Easy!

Next, I will talk about what I did in June and what insights I gained.

1. Regarding discontinuation of updates

In June, I still signed up for the Xiao Yuer writing check-in camp with high spirits, but this time I failed.

During the deadline, I uploaded the article, but found that the word count did not meet the standard. I used my mobile phone to modify it and wanted to publish it again, but found that "the number of publications today has been exhausted." I was heartbroken. I couldn't keep the 99 yuan after all. It was wasted.

But if we only focus on failure and the money being divided, we will fall into self-doubt and refuse to challenge the success hidden in the difficulty. The failure of

in June does not negate the success of the previous five months. This failure just wants to tell me a few points:

1, Don’t do things in ddll (deadline deadline) with a sense of luck. You don’t leave time for accidents, accidents Will come to your door.

Planning in advance what to write this month is far more efficient and punctual than racking your brains to think about it on the day.

2. About Civil Servants

At the end of March, the Chalk Association started classes, six times a week, three hours at a time. I finished school classes during the day and stayed up for another three hours at night. After persisting for a while, I couldn't bear it anymore.

So I moved my study time to weekends, but it still didn’t work, so I gave up.

It wasn’t until the summer vacation that I picked it up. I spent a few days making up the notes that I had not taken before just listening to the lectures. Later, I listened to the chalk and found that I kept getting distracted. It happened that the book from another institution had arrived, so I gave up the chalk. Started to study another institution - public examination Qilin .

Compared with the chalk course, which takes a long time and has a lot of words, Teacher Qi simply explains the concepts, examples and exercises. I love it!

I have been learning "Xin Shuo Language" and "I Love Learning Logic" these two days, and it feels good!

Another breakthrough is that after learning from the teacher, I started to make videos and record myself speaking. Hahaha, except that the memory of the mobile phone is often not enough, the feeling of outputting immediately after input is really great!

The two or three months of struggling as a civil servant also taught me a few things:

1. Sometimes it’s not that you are not suitable for studying a certain subject or a certain certificate exam, but that you have not found a teacher and teacher who is suitable for you. learning method .

There are 7 billion people in this world. I believe there is always someone who can explain it to you.

2. Society will force you to learn the knowledge or skills you cannot learn until you master them completely.

Take mathematics for example. I thought I would never have to study mathematics after the college entrance examination for art, but I didn’t expect to meet him in the civil service (tears)

Well, that’s all for June. It seems that few things are right, but they add up to the trivialities of life. , there are still things that make people bald.

Good sister A Cheng asked me this morning. Half of 2022 has passed. Have you achieved anything?

I’d say it’s not really an achievement, it’s just something you get as you go.

was highly praised by two teachers for his good performance in school;

won more than 40 Xiaohongshu Good Things Experience, worth more than 6,000 yuan;

checked in on Daisy and Temujun’s Planet Day 300 words, persisted for 63 days;

Mandarin passed the second level and met the requirements for Chinese teaching qualifications;


After writing this, you may think that I have too many successful things in June, seems My life is smooth sailing, better than yours.

But in fact, I am just an ordinary college student. I have worries about finishing homework, suffering from eye conjunctivitis, and feeling confused and thinking about the future late at night...

Those little things that are in you Problems and small bumps in life are all the same to me.

Success and luck only come occasionally, while failure and pain are the norm in life.

Looking back on the entire month of June, I discovered that in the ups and downs of success and failure, this partner of confusion has always been there.

My confusion will not disappear because of the emergence of success, nor will it make me more depraved because of the superposition of failures, nor will I be let go just because I am 22 years old.

It is like an old friend of mine, always with me, but sometimes more and sometimes less.

So how do we face confusion?

b site up owner, itsvictora888 gave her answer:

"Not knowing what to do and where to go at the age of 20 also means that I can go anywhere and do anything."

"Enjoy the confusion now, Sometimes you have to get lost first before you can slowly find yourself. "

So, it's okay to be confused. It will always be with us like loneliness. The important thing is that we should actively accept it and then do things in a down-to-earth manner. "You don't think too much. Too much means doing too little."

Finally, I would like to use a passage from Jack Kerouac's novel "On the Road" to you and me who are in confusion:

"While you are young. "Shengqiang, I will fight with life for a few more years. Either I will be destroyed, or I will achieve glory."

I wish you and I can fight with life well and live hard in the remaining half of 2022.

Links to previous exciting articles:

Book list for girls who make money and get rich: Make money seriously and slowly become rich

All failures are not failures, but "practice before success"

The story of the counterattack in the college entrance examination is very inspiring, but It has nothing to do with me

Author introduction:

Hello, I am Wangcaiwangcai

focuses on sharing reading thoughts, growth insights and self-media operations.

strives to achieve financial independence and spiritual freedom by reading and writing.