A field of gold, while showing off its richness, was swallowed up by the rumbling machine in three or two days. The chaff and moss are scattered to the earth, and the collected grains of wheat are returned to the farmer in full. The fields are like a barber's crew cut, with tall

A field of golden yellow, while showing off its richness, was swallowed up by the rumbling big machine in three or two days. The chaff and moss are scattered to the earth, and the collected grains of wheat are returned to the farmer in full. The fields are like a barber's crew cut, with tall stubbles and bright stubbles. Pieces of yellow color are close to the ground, shining in the sun.

wheat stubble, an inconspicuous character, has been submerged in the long river of history over and over again by the waves of time.

At the end of autumn, wheat grains begin the journey of life with the wishes of farmers. Moisture induces roots to emerge, which are thin and white; buds emerge from the soil surface, and are tender and pointed. A root leads to a group of beards, and the strands spread out, searching for the feeling of love; a single bud looks up to the sun, swaying and shining green. There is a gathering of vitality between the roots and buds, and the more it gathers, the stronger it becomes. Young buds emerge one after another. This is the division of wheat . The budding wheat stubble appears here, and its mission has a heavy future.

The coolness of the autumn wind cannot withstand the frequent footsteps of frost and cold currents. The seedlings are growing stronger and stronger in the change of warm and cold. Their emerald green appearance has been ravaged until they are dry and haggard, and their weak bodies are coated with layers of strength in the sunshine. The dry and cold fields seem to have inhibited the development and growth of the wheat seedlings , but the roots and hairs are like meandering earthworms gathering towards the embrace of the center of the earth, sucking the moisture and feeling the heat. Groups of dark green wheat seedlings hugged each other and formed a cluster, holding hands around their waists to resist the northwest wind.

The harsh midwinter, covered with frost, snow, low temperatures, and cold winds, blankets the northern land, like an exam paper with many questions, testing the tenacious willpower and tenacious vitality of the wheat seedlings. Even if the ground freezes to three feet, it is not afraid. Like iron in a furnace, it glows with the power of life in the tempered nirvana. It longs for the spectacular lineup of " thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". That layer of frozen coverage seems to separate two seasons, with ice and snow outside and warmth like spring underground. The accumulation, melting, and freezing of the layers of snow are repeated in cycles, brewing confidence and internal motivation for the wheat seedlings to flourish and leap forward in spring.

The destruction is not limited to the weather. During migration, flocks of geese always settle in the wheat fields, chewing the helpless seedlings, and strips of green are snatched away; hares are frequent visitors, eating at night and lying around during the day, appearing and disappearing, not eating the grass beside their nests, but wandering around the surrounding fields; the countryside The cows that got carried away and the sheep that fell behind ran into the wheat fields as if they were attending a grand banquet, choosing the fat and the thin ones, swallowing them at will to fill up their round bellies; there were also chickens, ducks and geese that sneaked out of the village and ran away with their legs. Let the wheat fields around the village become bare.

Wheat fields sometimes become shortcuts, casual roads, and emergency vehicles. At the rural temple fair, there are crowds of people and traffic all around, people selling toys and food, playing games to win gifts, performing yangko doing group dances , hearing about books and reading fortune tellers... the wheels are crushing, the footsteps are trampling, and even smoke The fire burned, the wheat stubble broke legs and waists, the seedlings rotted away, lost their green color, and were a mess.

However, its unyielding fighting spirit is always turning and accumulating among the roots, like clockwork that has been tightened, waiting for an opportunity.

The spring breeze is coming, and the sun's rays are looking for green on the earth. Surprisingly, the damaged wheat seedlings turned green quickly, and they still looked the same. The separated branches reproduced the outline of the wheat stubble, and in a short period of time, they raised their arms like the intact wheat seedlings. Accompanied by the spring rain and warm wind, the wheat seedlings are climbing higher, brewing the vitality of the winter and beginning to burst out. The bones of the body are getting taller day by day, and they are green and green. In the cold weather, in the spring breeze that can crack the stone pillars, in the atmosphere of birds singing and flowers dazzling, they have no scruples, are vigorous and vigorous, and actively complete the task. The whole process of jointing, budding, heading, flowering and maturity. It has witnessed the ruthless coolness of autumn, felt the biting coldness, and also enjoyed the comfort and comfort of late spring and early summer. It used the tenacious feet of life for two years to cross the purgatory-like cold.

The roar of the big machine gradually faded away, and patches of wheat stubble clung silently to the surface of the ground.The hook teeth of the planter scratched the soil surface in the gaps in its rows, breaking off its root system, and sometimes even digging out the whole body. It was fearless and unyielding, enduring the pain and soothing the seeds of corn, peanuts, soybeans... To settle down and create Qiu Shuo’s dream.

Wheat stubble, in the summer rains, softens and rots in the hot and humid crop fields, turning into nutrients for the crops, a conditioner for the soil, and majestic green gauze tents. It turns into ears of grain and peanuts fed by the autumn wind. When ripe, flowers bloom on the faces of farmers.

The piles of dried wheat stubble are like farmers walking on the long and vicissitudes of the yellow land, silently holding them, with a heart full of grain, and writing about each autumn color.

Wheat stubble, what is dedicated is the body, what is undefeated is the soul.