Inscription: I am not used to piling up gorgeous words to decorate the changes in this city. Perhaps these anecdotes of thoughts are exactly the path taken by thousands of ordinary people who have changed the face of this city. One mountain, one river, one city. The mountain is s

Inscription: I am not used to piling up gorgeous words to decorate the changes of this city. Perhaps these words in the form of a running account are exactly the path taken by thousands of ordinary people who have changed the face of this city.

One mountain, one river, one city.

The mountain is still the same mountain for thousands of years.

Water is still the same water for thousands of years.

The mountain is the father and the water is the mother, so there is this thousand-year city.

Who wouldn’t say that my hometown is good, not to mention that this thousand-year-old city is so enchanting.

I always like to climb up the uneven stone path at the foot of Feishan Mountain, and walk leisurely and leisurely into the broad embrace of the mountain.

Eyes full of green, so simple.

The tranquility of this vein is so Zen-minded.

Standing at the mid-mountain pavilion, I want to see the city at the foot of the mountain. Which tall buildings have been built? Which road is open to traffic again? Where do the city's boundaries extend?

Indeed, the boundaries of cities are constantly expanding, and high-rise buildings are spreading to places that were once just rural areas such as Bangtou and Laidian.

I come from the mountains, and it took me a long time to get to know the county.

I rarely visited the county town when I was a boy, and I can’t remember why I came to the county town. What I have left is only a little vague memory. I just remember that there was a row of restaurants opposite the Workers' Club. Compared to now, the storefronts were almost undecorated, with wooden benches, wooden chairs, and wooden tables. They were a bit shabby. You didn't have to recognize the inconspicuous shop sign. There was a long line of stalls at the door. Several large aluminum pots and basins are placed, with large black strips of rice noodles, fried noodles, meat slices soup, etc. "naked" arranged in front of you. Various smells and water vapor are freely diffused, naturally tempting you to join in. When I go up there, my favorite thing is to order a bowl of hot lean meat tofu soup and a big white steamed bun. I can still drool unnaturally when I think of the scene at that time. At that time, I would come and go in a hurry, and I would not stay overnight in the county town. I felt that the county town was just a "big street" larger than Zhongshan Street in my hometown. In fact, I just walked in a hurry on a certain street in the county town. It's just a stretch of road, and I don't know the southeast, northwest, and northwest of the county.

In the 1992s, I studied in Xianyou No. 2 Middle School for one year and lived in this county for a short time. I took a crowded shuttle bus to Bangtou Station, and then was pulled into a three-wheeled motorcycle that was parked in the street, intercepting passengers and grabbing passengers. I entered the east gate of the city in a stop-and-go manner. I was considered to have entered the city. 825 Street is both a street and a road. Today’s urban ring road is still a land of vegetable fields, rice fields and barren mountains. Lanxi is just a flowing stream without a park. Linan was still very desolate at that time, and the Chengguan Bridge was one of the few bridges. One of my geography teachers proudly revealed to us in class the information that "the county is planning to build the Lanxi Bridge". He believed that after the Lanxi Bridge is completed, there will be another connecting bridge between the south and north of the city. .

In the county town at that time, the Xinhua Bookstore next to Ximendou Circle was my favorite place. On many weekends, I would go there, look for a book, and stand or squat quietly to look at you. The clerk looked at you. Students will not rush you to leave.

The most visited one is Yanchipu Stadium, which is the liveliest place in the county. It has a sand track, a sand pool for high jump and long jump , high stands, and of course some weeds in the sports ground. So beautiful and so casual. This is also the playground where Xianyou Normal University students take physical education classes, dancing with the sunshine of youth.

Especially on hot nights, the place is crowded with people. You can lick ice cream while walking, hold a cold drink, and pass the time among the crowds of people. You especially like to stand in front of the record stall and listen to Teresa Teng 's " Small Town Story ", the song is still fresh despite the hustle and bustle around it, sweet but melancholy, gentle but full of vitality. If you like Teresa Teng, you can be considered a star chaser!

At that time, I would occasionally go to Laidian Hot Spring to take a bath. The sulfur smell of the hot springs in my memory was very strong, and it was obviously pungent. Compared with today, the hot spring water at that time was "not bad".Being used to the clear and slightly sweet spring water in the mountains, I actually don’t like the smell of sulfur. I just naively thought that taking a bath in the hot springs might make my dark skin, which has been overly radiated by the sun, whiter. , but it doesn't work.

At the beginning of 2005, I hurriedly bid farewell to the three-foot podium that I had held for ten years, bid farewell to the junior high school students in two classes, and started another role in my life. This city began to enter my field of vision from all directions and angles, cities, plains, mountains, construction sites, fields, factories, all the way, searching all the way, thinking all the way, interviewing, writing, publishing, repeated code words climbing grid , whether it is eventually turned into a big or small article in a certain newspaper or magazine, or whether it is not adopted and can only be hidden in the computer hard drive, most of the stories I write are related to this city, this city The little bits and pieces of my growth, as well as the people and things that happened in this city, formed part of my experiences and encounters in my life. I passed by in a hurry but did not miss it. Some of them may be unfamiliar but seem familiar.

Time flies so fast. On that hot July day in 2006, like a soldier who abandoned his pen and joined the army, I went to the front line of project construction and came to Xiangang Avenue , which the county party committee and government called "Project No. 1". Mobilize the masses to demolish, forget about weekends, no matter day or night, the smelly pig pens and cattle pens garbage dumps, the longan forest where mosquitoes fly around and bite your bare arms, the muddy field paths that stain your trouser legs, go to the village and enter the house , walking through the streets and alleys.

You may even encounter demolished households who swear and speak rudely to you for no reason. You will hide your anger in your heart and face it with a brave smile.

Once, I was walking in a narrow alley in a village. A huge black dog suddenly jumped out of the darkness, opened its bloody mouth and bit me in the thigh. Fortunately, my thick jeans prevented me from doing so. "Work injury".

That winter night was very cold. We discussed and negotiated at the demolition households in Fengting until three or four in the morning. It was so cold that we had to take turns hiding in the heated tool cart to rub our feet and keep warm.

I will always remember some people.

The old man who was the first to demolish his house, which had just been built a few years ago, and went from house to house to mobilize fellow villagers to cooperate with the demolition, ended up living in the old house he borrowed from his neighbor. He had no time to see the avenue that passed through his hometown. , and there was no time to move into a brand new resettlement house.

The highly respected chief engineer, who spoke little and had a kind face, often smoked, and his reading glasses reflected dense engineering design drawings. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage during an engineering construction meeting that lasted from morning to afternoon, and he never woke up again. come over.

What’s more, that group of ordinary people who have been exposed to the wind and sun on the construction site, their faces are darkened, their hands are darkened, but their hearts are redder. Many of them are colleagues who get along day and night, and most of them are colleagues who cannot be named. People working on the construction site, as well as people leaving their homes to take care of everyone, actively cooperated with the relocation.

All of these are destined people that I met by chance and inevitably in my life, and I will never forget them in this life.

In villages, fields, and fields, what we talk to the demolition households most is the vision of a better tomorrow for the city. It is this road that will bring new changes to the city. It talks about the common people's aspirations. happiness.

When the Xiangang Bridge was still a blueprint, the banks of the stream were still overgrown with weeds and there were no people crossing the river. I would stand on the south bank of the stream and stare blankly at the north bank, naturally longing for: the night when the lights are on, the triangle formed by the stay cables on the bridge The patterns are intertwined with bright lights, and the lights are overflowing with beauty. Cars are passing on the bridge, the orchid water is flowing under the bridge, and people are taking a leisurely walk... All of this has now become a reality.

Many times, when I drive on Xiangang Avenue, I will be immersed in the memories of the past. I became an ordinary construction participant in due time. I am proud of myself. It is happiness to contribute to this city. This It is also the original intention of thousands of builders.

When Xiangang Avenue was basically completed in 2011, I once again rushed to a new job.Due to my work relationship, I have always paid attention to the county's key projects. The continuous implementation of a large number of key projects is the main starting point and internal driving force for the county's economic and social development. This city is closely catching up with the rapid progress of the times.

Our gaze is no longer blank. Jungle-like clusters of high-rise buildings rise from the ground, setting off the blue sky. In the east, west, north and south of the city, one building after another gathers the city's population, and new buildings are constantly being built. The rising ladder and tower crane continues to expand the prosperity of this city.

Large-populated counties are no longer dominated by agriculture. The scale of industrial parks is growing and the quality is improving. Traditional industries, emerging business formats, and industry-city integration are growing from scratch, or even out of nothing, turning decay into magic.

I like to stroll along the banks of the beautiful Mulan Creek at night. Mulan Creek originates from Huangkeng Village in Xiyuan Township and rushes through the city. It was once wild and wild and prone to frequent floods. Now a blueprint of "turning harm into benefit and benefiting the people" has been formed. Today, the city's orchid waters are affectionate and charming. It has been awarded the "Top Ten Most Beautiful Hometown Rivers in the Country", with autumn maple, poinciana , jacaranda , red maple , mandarin duck jasmine and other flowers and trees are fragrant all year round. Bicycle paths, walking paths, landscape pavilions, promenades, squares and other facilities are all available. Beautiful, clean and full of vitality, the mighty water of Lanxi has become It has created "water of life", "safety water", "ecological water" and "gold and silver water", creating harmony between man and water, benefiting millions of people.

The thousand-year city has a new look. The exploration and pursuit of millions of people never end.

A corner of the county seat

A corner of the county seat

A corner of the county seat