Recently, the weather in Qingdao is a bit like Omicron, unpredictable and unpredictable. Sometimes, there is a thunderstorm one second, and then it rains and the sky clears the next second. The weather is really changeable, and it changes at any time, and the plan cannot keep up

Recently, the weather in Qingdao is a bit like Omicron, fickle and unpredictable. Sometimes, there is a thunderstorm one second, and the next second it rains and the sky clears. The weather is really changeable. It changes at any time, and the plan cannot keep up with the change.

"The sun rises in the east and rains in the west. There is no sunshine but there is sunshine."

The clouds in the evening moved quickly. I stared at the sky, which was accelerated like a time-lapse photography. Time was pressed on the fast forward button, and everything around me seemed to be changing.

The flowing clouds danced in the sky, with an expression that seemed to be smiling and slightly drunk. The blue sky and white clouds lean against each other, sometimes like galloping horses, sometimes like a herd of sheep.

The rolling clouds are like icebergs floating on the sea.

White clouds cannot live without the blue sky, and the blue sky cannot live without white clouds, but the blue sky has selflessly given Baiyun the most generous heart!

The clouds danced mischievously all over the sky, accidentally covering the sun and making the sky fall into darkness.

The sky forgave the clouds, and the clouds were moved and shed tears, drawing a beautiful rainbow.

The cloud said to the sky: Dear, forgive me, I am that little cloud.

Gently I left, just as I came gently; I waved gently to bid farewell to the clouds in the western sky - Xu Zhimo

There were a few white clouds in the blue sky, walking slowly.

Life is like the weather, predictable but often unexpected. Whether the sun is shining brightly or the weather is unpredictable, a good mood is the only wealth that cannot be deprived of in life. Grasping your daily life and taking good care of your unique body is the best way to cherish it.

For a long time, the epidemic situation in Qingdao has been cleared, with "double zero" increases for many consecutive days. However, according to reports from Global Network and other relevant media, Huangdao District, Qingdao City added 2 new local confirmed cases yesterday, 211 new local asymptomatic infections, and cold chain logistics workers tested positive for COVID-19. ! Mutated Omicron is highly associated with the cold chain.

This outrageous Omicron is like the ever-changing weather, making people unclear and unpredictable.

But I believe that ups and downs are life, ups and downs are life, smile when you are happy, stop when you are tired, as long as there is hope in your heart, there will be a rainbow after the storm!

There are no heroes falling from the sky, only mortals who stand up! Facing the epidemic, defeating the epidemic, and regaining freedom, let us work together!

A share of love and a share of strength to fight the epidemic together, Huangdao come on! Come on Qingdao! Come on, China, let’s fight the epidemic together!

There are always storms in this world, but there will always be sunny days after the rain. In the face of the epidemic that is changing strangely and lingering, everyone has taken action and dedicated their efforts in the face of the catastrophe. The Chinese are an iron wall that cannot be crushed or defeated!