That year, I dropped out of school and returned home. The reasons for dropping out were firstly because of poor academic performance, secondly because I violated school discipline, and thirdly because my family was poor and I didn’t want to waste food in school.

There will be several watersheds in everyone's life. Think about the watershed in your own life, and consider it a watershed in your life after you go to work!

Before going to work, my life was a different kind of life, but today I think this kind of life is also a wealth in life.

That year, I dropped out of school and returned home. The reasons for dropping out were firstly because of poor academic performance, secondly because I violated school discipline, and thirdly because my family was poor and I didn’t want to waste food in school.

It was the early 1990s. After dropping out of school, I thought about going out to work. There is a relative in the family who works in the Xingtai Brick Factory. The adults contacted him and talked about it and said it was okay.

Before that, I worked in a gravel factory on the west side of the mountain for more than a month. I worked on the mountain every day, crushing stones, loading trucks, and pulling stones.

It was winter at that time. After getting up early at six o'clock every day, I would eat pickles and drink a big bowl of thick rice dumplings. Since I had never been out, it felt strange to eat so early in the morning. After eating, we went up the mountain. As soon as the crusher is turned on, people can't stop.

Two people are in a group, what are they doing? Just hit the rocks with a hammer and break the big pieces into small pieces, as long as the material mouth of the crusher can accommodate them. I was 17 years old at the time, and going up the mountain to swing a sledgehammer really exercised my body.

loaded the stones onto the car and pushed them with two people, and pushed them into the crusher's feed port. About 100 meters away, I ran down the mountain. When I was approaching the material mouth, the driver raised the handlebar with both hands and threw the stone into the material mouth. Sometimes people use too much force and the car is knocked over. They have to go over and pull the car up, which is laborious and time-consuming. Therefore, when the car reaches the material port, the time and strength to lift the handlebars must be controlled well. It can't be early or late, and the force used can't be too big or too small. The best situation is that the stone hits the material opening at once, and the car stands upright and then falls back to the side of the person. This is called technology.

I have been working on the mountain to break stones for more than a month, and it’s the Spring Festival. Another thing I will never forget at that time is that the sun rises in the north every day and sets in the south in the afternoon. It has been turning this direction for more than a month.

There is also an interesting thing in Shizi Factory, that is, every time it fires cannons to open up mountains. When firing off cannons, there are professional artillery workers. The artillery workers have drill holes for drilling holes. If they want to lower that part of the mountain, they drill holes on the edge of the mountain. Most of them drill holes at the bottom of the mountain. Once the rocks are exploded, It's loose. After the blasthole is drilled, explosives are loaded in Linan, and detonators and fuses are placed inside. At that time, once the cannon was fired, there was no need to work. Someone went up the mountain in advance and shouted: "The cannons are being set off, the cannons are being set off, please stay away." We hid behind the big field and covered our ears with our hands to avoid being damaged by the shock. Just a few "boom" and "boom" sounds were heard, smoke and dust were flying, the mountain collapsed, and large rocks fell tiredly.

There are big rocks. The gunners use explosives to blow them up and break them into small pieces. Our workers then use sledgehammers to smash them into small pieces.

After the New Year, I still went to work with this relative. This time I went to Xingtai. Why go to Xingtai? Go to Xingtai Authentic Kiln Brick Factory to make kilns.

Production and installation is a training exercise. People pull the bricks to the edge of the kiln and put the bricks into them. After the kiln workers have finished burning them, they clean out the kiln eyes on the first day and let them cool down so that they can produce bricks the next day.

Being out of the brick kiln is really a workout! Three people work in groups, one person is picking up bricks in the kiln, called the first way, one person is lifting bricks up the second edge, called the second way, and the third person is stacking bricks on top, called the third way. When we came out of the kiln, winter was not bad, the bricks and the kiln were warm. Especially in summer, it is really a test. The sun is hot in the sky, and it is hot inside the kiln. It is hot in the sky and on the ground. The air is hot, the sun is hot, the kiln is hot, and the bricks are also hot. Just remember, if you don’t shed two or three pounds of sweat that day, you won’t be able to get through the day.

Because I was young, I was assigned to the team leader. When I came out of the kiln, I was assigned to the second lane. I only needed to use brick clamps to hold the bricks and lift them up to the top.Among the three people, the one below picking up the bricks is the most tired. He usually picks up the bricks from the pink soot with his hands, which are made of large car inner tubes. Come out, arrange every four bricks into a group, use two arms to lift the bricks to the second platform, and the people on the second platform will use brick clamps to clamp them and then send them to the ground.

spent a year working in the kiln, although it was hard work, there was also happiness. It seems that life is improved every ten days, and improving life is like steaming meat and big buns. The boss, the landlady and the master chef are all busy. At that time, people's living conditions were not good. Being able to eat big meat buns was considered a good life. Every time I ate big buns, I would be very excited. The record for the number of big buns I ate was also set at that time, and I ate 8 buns at a time.

In addition to working time, noon and evening every day are also times for me to enjoy myself. After lunch, I could take a nap. There were no mobile phones or anything like that at that time. Just take a mat, go to the back of the house to find a ventilated place, spread the mat on the floor, put two bricks or slippers on your pillow, and fall asleep.

Later, we moved to work in another kiln. This kiln had a large pool. As soon as I finished working, I jumped into the pool and washed myself from top to bottom. I have experienced a lot in my life so far. I feel that the most exhilarating and happiest thing in life is jumping into the pool while sweating profusely. It is still unforgettable to me.

After work in the afternoon, after dinner, you can go to Xingtai city for a walk in the evening. It may be either the city or the town. You can look at the colorful flowers and spend some time. I feel quite satisfied.

Times have changed. A young man who built a brick kiln in those days now sits in a spacious and bright space every day, blowing on the central air conditioner, browsing Douyin to watch Kuaishou, playing Toutiao Baijiahao, and searching Baidu to read Xueqiangguo. His life situation It's really heaven and earth, and it can't be compared. However, people's happiness index does not feel much higher all day long than it did when the bricks were installed in the kiln.

What people live is conscience, what people live is personality, what people live is self-reliance, and what people live is self-improvement. If so, then he is a real person.