Preface: After retirement, we should enjoy life well, and don’t think of everything so simply, and at the same time, don’t think of it too complicated. We must know that life is like this. In fact, life is like this. If your life is If you can't deal with it, life will be very di


After retirement, we should enjoy life well, and don’t think of everything so simply, and don’t think of it too complicated. We must know that life is actually like this. Life is like this too. If your own If you can't take care of life, life will be very difficult, so doing good deeds and accumulating virtue when you are young is the most important.

After retirement, I don’t have a single friend. They are usually these types of people. I hope I don’t have you.

People who like to gossip

After retirement, I don’t have a single friend. Most of them like to gossip. In our lives, you may not believe it. In fact, reality tells me that there is no need to disbelieve these things. If you don’t believe it, it may be true.

People who like to make irresponsible remarks can always cause trouble to others but cannot bring benefits to others, so such people will not have any friends after retirement, because you are of no use to others and others will not like to be with you. Together. Don't feel that you are lonely without friends. Everything is caused by yourself. Poor people must be hateful.

If we don’t have a single friend, as long as we can turn around and make peace with ourselves, everything will be done in time. Don't think that life is complicated. Everything in this world is very simple. The reason why life is complicated is actually being stimulated and affected by other people's daily events. It's not scary to have no friends. What's scary is that you don't know how to be a human being.

I always like people who take advantage.

After retiring, I don’t have a single friend who just likes to take advantage. We must know that although taking advantage may be able to get some rewards, everyone knows behind this. In other words, people who like to take advantage are not what they are. A good person, although others will not care about you, they will definitely not associate with you.

Some things are like this. When you think it is normal, it is actually not normal at all. You like to take advantage. Others will stay away from you without saying anything, but there must be a lot of right and wrong behind it. If you have a friend after retirement If not, you might as well think carefully and see if you have any problems in this area.

After retirement, we must understand that the lack of friends is actually our own fault. Don’t always focus on others. Most of the time, we have to look for problems within ourselves. If we don’t have friends and can’t look for problems within ourselves, it’s because we don’t know how to be a human being. Don’t feel that we have entered an old age. I have lived many stories, but in fact, your experience can only be said to be a failure experience.


After retirement, I don’t have any friends. Generally, they are these types of people. First of all, I don’t seize the opportunities around me. I always share them with myself or with my family when I feel they are beneficial, but I ignore them. When it comes to the feelings of people around us, we must know that friends should be honest with each other. When you are thinking about your family, you should think more or less about everyone around you, otherwise you will not have any friends.