Text/Xia Mo 01. Preface Zhou Guoping said: "Loneliness is the fate of human beings. Love and friendship cannot eradicate it, but they can soothe it." People are always afraid of being alone, especially in old age. On the way to getting older, I always hope to have someone by my s

Text/Xia Mo

01, Preface

Zhou Guoping said: "Loneliness is the fate of human beings. Love and friendship cannot eradicate it, but they can soothe it."

People are always afraid of being alone, especially in old age. On the way to getting older, I always hope to have someone by my side to pass the time and put an end to loneliness.

As people get older, they like the bustle and bustle, and don’t want to face the passing of spring and autumn alone in a deserted environment. I like the laughter of children, and I like many people gathering together and talking loudly to be happy.

Like to get together and not like to separate, this is a state of mind that only older people can understand.

When people get old, they are afraid of loneliness and always want to create more excitement, so they can't help but want to visit other people's homes. However, some excitement often affects people around you, and some excitement needs to be created with caution.

As we get older, we should avoid visiting other people’s homes. You must be aware of the following reasons.

02. When people visit each other when they are old, it will affect the lives of others.

In this life, having friendships that can be easily obtained by visiting each other is worth cherishing. However, no matter how good the relationship is, don't always visit other people's homes.

Because visiting other people’s homes will disturb other people’s living arrangements. Everyone has his own way of life.

Wang Sumin in " Xiaomin's Home " lives in her daughter's house. She is hardworking and capable and keeps the house in order. I met Chen Zhuo's father, Chen Tianfu, by chance.

Chen Tianfu always likes to visit Wang Sumin's house uninvited. We sat there for a long time and didn't leave even when it was time to eat, hoping to "take advantage of the meal".

Wang Sumin was too embarrassed to really kick him out, so she would cook an extra bowl of rice for him.

Chen Tianfu likes the feeling of being accompanied by someone and hopes to come and go often, but Wang Sumin doesn't like it and refuses straightforwardly.

When people get along, they must learn to give themselves and each other a little more discretion. Even if they are enthusiastic, they cannot just care about their own happiness and ignore other people's thoughts and feelings.

It may be okay to visit other people's homes occasionally, but you need to know what other people's concerns are.

Don't often visit other people's homes, don't always eat and drink, don't always ask for things, always let others bring you happiness, but you always cause trouble to others, otherwise, you will be annoying.

When you are old, don't always visit other people's homes, affect other people's lives, disrupt other people's life rhythms, and don't always force others to make things difficult for you. People, the most valuable thing about living is self-knowledge.

03. When people get old, their bad habits are not pleasing to people.

In this world, everyone is a leaf in this world. No two leaves are exactly the same, but there is no perfect leaf either.

Writer Chernyshevsky said: "Since there are black spots on the sun, it is even more impossible for things in the world to be without flaws."

When people get old, they will always have some deep-rooted bad habits. If you visit other people's homes easily, you may not be liked. Because no one can be perfect in the eyes of others.

Wang Ruofu in "Know or Not", her sister Kang Wang often visits her home.

Wang Ruofu has a straightforward personality and doesn't understand why her family doesn't like her to be a guest at home. She doesn't listen to advice. She always feels that this sister is a very good person to her.

Later, I learned that Kang Wang’s visit had a bad intention and liked to scheme against others. Even her closest relatives will not be spared, sacrificing the efforts of others to achieve her happiness.

If, as an old person, he always visits other people’s homes, not only to relieve loneliness, but also to have more thoughts and purposes, then it will bore and frighten others.

If you drop by easily, disturb other people's lives, always trouble others, and consume affection in exchange for benefits, friendship will always be exhausted.

As you get older, you should avoid visiting other people's homes, because your own shortcomings may become a "nail" in other people's eyes, making them unable to accept you.

04. Always visiting other people's homes will ruin your relationship.

When people are old, they always feel that they know many things and love to interfere in the lives of other people's juniors.He said the words casually, making the other person feel very uncomfortable.

For example: If you visit someone else's house and their child wants to start a business, but you don't know anything about the situation, you will tell young people that starting a business is a waste of money and will definitely fail. Then, he may make others very angry.

A person who likes to "preach" will go to other people's homes. Sometimes, without even asking for his opinion, he will chatter endlessly and give advice to others, hoping that the other party will handle things according to his wishes.

went to visit, the original intention was to chat and make each other live a happier life. However, if you speak without a sense of propriety, you will always make others angry and make others feel uncomfortable.

When you are old, when visiting other people's homes, you must know your limits and don't let yourself get involved in unnecessary disputes. Don't cause trouble because of the other person's family. You must understand that accumulating virtue is to accumulate blessings for yourself.

As people get older, when visiting other people's homes, they must get rid of the habit of "preaching", the shortcomings of being nosy, and the style of "relying on the elderly and selling them off".

05. Summary

wrote in "The Ordinary World": "Time passes quietly. Some people in the world feel the weight of life because they are busy, while some people live depressed because they are idle."

When people are old, no matter how busy they are, If you are still idle, please manage your life carefully.

In your later years, you will be more likeable if you learn to interact with others with a sense of propriety.

Visiting is a kind of active social interaction and a bridge to enhance mutual feelings. However, when visiting other people's homes, you should observe whether they like the excitement and whether they feel disturbed by your arrival.

Don't cause trouble to others by visiting. Don't bring trouble to others. When you visit other people's homes, you don't always have to give opinions, let alone affect other people's lives.

's comfortable way of visiting each other will definitely enhance your relationship. When you have nothing to do, you can visit each other's homes to embellish your days with more happiness.

When interacting with others, you must pay attention to a sense of propriety. A relationship with a sense of proportion can make people stay with you for a long time.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional mentor, psychology scholar, a popular emotional writer with over 1 billion people on the Internet, and a manager of happy women. He has focused on emotions, gender, and answering questions about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.