Text: Cheng Xiaoyi 01 Adler once said that lucky people are healed by childhood throughout their lives; unfortunate people are healed by childhood throughout their lives. Childhood is the cradle and holy place in everyone's heart. Certain memories of childhood will accompany us t

text: Cheng Xiaoyi


Adler once said that lucky people are healed by childhood throughout their lives; unfortunate people are healed by childhood throughout their lives.

Childhood is the cradle and holy land in everyone's heart. Certain memories of childhood will accompany us throughout our lives, and certain emotions in childhood will also shape our understanding of the world, life, and ourselves.

Childhood is free and unfettered, and childhood is short.

My childhood memories are profound. I don’t know if you have this feeling. Sometimes when you walk on the street and see certain scenes somewhere, some fragments will flash in your mind unconsciously. Those fragments are about childhood, and they are about the green years of youth.

Luo Dayou sang in his childhood: On the banyan tree by the pond, cicadas are shouting summer, on the swing by the playground, only butterflies are parked on it, and the teacher’s chalk on the blackboard is still chattering away. Stop, wait for the end of get out of class, wait for the end of school, wait for the game of childhood

This is the most beautiful look of childhood, we have all experienced the pond, cicadas, summer, butterflies, and chalk. At this moment, perhaps we have long lost the company of ponds, cicadas, and butterflies, and are replaced by air conditioners, rooms, and swimming pools.

We will especially envy those who live in a place with ponds, cicadas, butterflies, gardens, orchards, and vegetable gardens.

Wearing a bamboo hat and standing in the garden, picking up flowers and plants, hoeing and loosening the soil in the vegetable garden, watching a caterpillar rolling on the vegetable leaves. . .

In the childhood lives of many writers, I envy Xiao Hong the most, because her family has a very big garden, and a grandfather who loves her very much. She is a troublemaker, and she is the one that all adults look up to. Not a big kid.

Her childhood was happy, enjoyable, and free.

There is a particularly interesting scene in Xiao Hong's "If You Want to Bloom a Flower," which I watched recently.

The little Xiaohong Setaria could not be distinguished from the rice, so a large area of ​​Setaria was left and all the rice was removed.

Later, her grandfather told her that rice has awning needles and dogtail grass has a fluffy tail.

Hulan River is the place where Xiao Hong grew up. After many years, Xiao Hong still remembers the scene of the Hulan River in her childhood.

"The sky and the earth are so big and far away that you can't touch the sky with your hands, and the things that grow on the land are so prosperous that you can't see them all at a glance. I just feel that the eyes are bright and green."

In the world of Xiao Hong's childhood Full of vitality, if one could paint a color for Xiao Hong's childhood, it would be green. Green is the color of freedom, youth, a free and easy color.

Green exudes the nature that children should have, and it witnesses the power that nature gives us.

Green can nourish everyone, and green can also build people’s hearts.


Xiao Hong said in "The Biography of Hulan River" that everything under the sun is healthy and beautiful. Even the big trees will make noises if you pat them. If you shout, you will stand on the earth wall opposite. will answer you.

Nature has created all people and things, and humans also have and enjoy the gifts they bring us in front of nature.

Such ordinary scenes may no longer be able to experience the charm of them today, but in Xiao Hong's words, you and I can enter her world together.

A world with flowers and plants, taking care of the vegetation with a shower head, or spraying water into the sky. . . The back of the girl chasing the butterfly is very familiar. . .

I used to hear people say that reading books can help us reach places we cannot reach, but now I feel that words can allow us to recreate a primitive life, activate long-hidden happiness and experiences in our hearts, and thus allow people to re-recognize human nature. , that must be free.

In the noisy city, it is difficult for us to be ourselves, but it does not prevent us from moving towards a free and happy life. If you think life should have a different experience, you might as well take a look at Xiao Hong's world of grass growing and birds flying.

Just as Xiao Hong said, the flowers bloom, just like the flowers wake up from sleep. The bird flew away, just like a bird flying into the sky. Everything is alive, whatever you want to do, do it. You are free to do whatever you want.