In this life, it is lucky to be understood by others; it is happiness to be understood. 1. Knowing how to respect and respect others is a natural expression of an involuntary noble personality. People who know how to respect always make people feel comfortable and warm, like smel

In this life, it is lucky to be understood by others; it is happiness to be understood by others.

1 Knowing how to respect and respect others is a natural expression of an involuntary noble personality. People who know how to respect always make people feel comfortable and warm, like smelling the faint orchids and seeing the green mountains in spring. Know how to respect your friends’ privacy and don’t laugh at or spread it. Know how to respect the care of your loved ones without getting bored or escaping. Know how to respect children's thoughts without being forceful or attacking. Know how to respect the work of others, even family members should express gratitude. Know how to respect other people's choices. Everyone is an independent individual and we have no right to interfere. Only by knowing how to respect other people's habits and different preferences can you have different personalities. Know how to respect different values. Right and wrong cannot cover the world. Don’t comment, just understand. Knowing how to respect others means respecting yourself. People who do not respect others will never gain respect. Respect is not politeness, etiquette, or hypocrisy. Understand that respect is a warm distance that does not hurt, only moves. Understand that respect is a kind of equality, neither looking down nor looking up, nor being humble nor arrogant. Understanding respect is a kind of cultivation, intellectual and elegant, sublimating the charm of personality, and spreading love silently.

2 knows how to give in. Giving in is not a sign of cowardice, but an amiable character! Concession is not retreat, but a principle of dealing with others! There are endless battles over the world's principles, and you can win the battle against a solitary family; there are endless battles over friendship and friendship, but you can win people's hearts if you know how to compromise! Between friends, if you know how to make concessions: you will not lose trust because of interests; you will not go separate ways because of conflicts. It is precisely because we understand each other that friends hold hands tighter and tighter! Between relatives, if you know how to make concessions: you will not contradict your parents, you will go along with them; you will not be indifferent to your siblings, but you will care for them. The love that blood is thicker than water will always be rooted to the roots and heart to heart! In relationships, if you know how to make concessions: you can see through a person's heart because you understand him too well; you can forgive someone for making mistakes because you can't bear it; you can tolerate a person's character because the love is too deep. No matter what kind of feelings: because you know how to compromise, you are compassionate; because you know how to compromise, you are tolerant; because you know how to compromise, you gain affection.

3 knows how to give in the field of life. If you want to get something, you must give something first. Unfortunately, many people shamelessly say in front of the stove of life, "Stove, give me some heat, and I will give you more firewood." The farmer made a wish in the field: "Buddha, if you give me some heat this year, A grain of grain, and I promise to sow seeds and work hard next year.” But Buddha did not follow this rule. Only one grain of millet planted in spring can be harvested in autumn. Farmers can only have a good harvest in the autumn if they sow seeds in the spring; before the crops can be harvested, they must work hard. If you want something from life, you have to give it first. If you follow this rule for the rest of your life, many problems will be solved. When you give, the world will tell you that you will get value for money and you will gain more. If we never forget it, there will be repercussions. All our efforts are meaningful.

4 knows how to cherish the most precious thing in this world, not what has been lost, but everything you have now. There was a poet who was talented and wealthy, his wife was beautiful and gentle, and his son was smart, but he could not feel happy at all. He asked God to help him find happiness. God first took away his property, then his wife and children, and finally took away his talent. The poet was miserable. A month later, God returned these things to him again. The poet hugged his wife and children, knelt at the feet of God for a long time, and deeply thanked God for blessing him with happiness. I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain. The only thing God did was to show the psalmist everything he had. Happiness is actually very simple, just enjoy everything you have now. It’s just that when we have it, we must know how to cherish it. Be a person who knows how to cherish. Only by cherishing can you feel happiness, and only by cherishing blessings can you retain happiness.

5 knew how to choose an egg. He was very naive and got together with the stone. He bumped into it and made himself scarred. But the egg kept insisting, and finally one day the egg couldn't stand it anymore and left the stone.Later, the egg met cotton. Every hug that cotton gave to the egg was so warm, and the egg's heart was warm. Only then did the egg understand: not all hard work, persistence and patience can bring warmth. You must know how to choose. If you choose the right thing, you will become very relaxed and happy. No matter how outstanding you are, you have to choose people who know what is good; no matter how dedicated you are, you have to choose people who are grateful; no matter how sincere you are, you have to choose people who are thoughtful; no matter how humble you are, you have to choose people who cherish you.

6 understands human relationships. The so-called human relationships refer to the comings and goings of emotions. If it is your friend who invites you warmly every time, but you act lukewarm from beginning to end, your friend will also extinguish his enthusiasm when he sees this. If your friend is thinking about you in everything and sharing blessings with you, but you always leave him aside no matter what happens, your friend will definitely feel uncomfortable in his heart. Under the premise of not caring about gains and losses and sacrifices, favor means that both parties are willing to pay for it.