During the storytelling class, the teacher asked the students: If you were asked to become a little animal, what would you choose? The son's answer was to be a little bird. The classmates asked, "Why don't you make a chicken or a duck? Penguins are also good, they both have a lot

In the

story class, the teacher asked the students: If you were asked to become a little animal, what would you choose? The son's answer was to be a little bird. The classmates yelled, "Why don't you make a chicken or a duck? , penguin, and are not bad either. They both have a lot of hair." The son smiled and said to everyone; because my mother likes to sing a song "I am a little bird".

son! My mother likes to sing "I am a little bird", not because she likes birds or wants to be a bird. But mom feels like a little bird. Because this song expresses my mother's mood;

Sometimes I feel like a little bird that wants to fly but can't fly high. Maybe one day I will perch on a branch and become the target of a hunter. I flew into the sky to find myself, and I was helpless from then on. Every time in the dead of night, I always can't sleep. I wonder if I am the only one who will not get better tomorrow. Who knows what the future will bring. Whether happiness is just a legend, I will never find out. I am a little bird, I want to fly but I can't fly high. I searched and searched for a warm embrace. Is this request too high? I am a little bird, I want to fly but I can’t fly high. I search, search, search, search for a warm embrace. Is this request too high? Everyone who knows my name Now, how are you? The world is so small and we are destined to have nowhere to escape. When I have tasted the warmth and coldness of human kindness, when you decide to burn for your ideal, which one is more important, the pressure of life or the dignity of life, I am a Just a little bird, it wants to fly but it can't fly high. I search and search for a warm embrace. Is this request too high? I am a little bird. I want to fly but I can’t fly high. I search and search and search for a warm embrace. Is this request too high? Is this request too high? high. ——" I am a little bird " is a song sung by Zhao Chuan, written and composed by Li Zongsheng. This song is one of Zhao Chuan's masterpieces and is included in Zhao Chuan's album of the same name "I'm a Little Bird" released on August 1, 1990.

Son, the bird you like, the bird you want to be, is just because the bird can fly carefree and freely. But do you know why birds can fly? The bones of the bird are hollow, the body is very light, and there are air sacs in the body. The air sacs are filled with air and can easily "float" in the air. In addition, the bird also has a pair of powerful wings. They just need to flap their powerful wings and let the air carry them up into the sky.

Chickens and ducks used to be able to fly, but they were accidentally caught and raised. Their bodies gradually gained weight, their wings lost strength, and they could no longer fly.

Penguins have webs between their toes, which allow them to move dexterously when pedaling. And because they live in the water all year round, their wings gradually degenerate, become shorter, and lose their ability to fly.

The sky is high and the birds can fly, son, go and work hard! Dare to give fullness to your wings, fly higher and higher like a bird, looking for your own sky...