There is a small animal that moves slowly, has a hard shell on its body, and has two small horns on its head. It has a soft body and likes to move in moist places, but I have read a passage that says: It is an animal that can reach the top of the pyramid. Yes, it is a snail. When

There is a small animal. It moves slowly, has a hard shell on its body, and has two small horns on its head. It has a soft body and likes to move in moist places, but I have read a passage that says: It is an animal that can reach the top of the pyramid. Yes, it is a snail.

When I was a child, my parents were both employees of large state-owned enterprises, and my mother was a worker in a military factory making military uniforms. As soon as the holidays came, my mother took me to the factory and took me with her while I worked.

Especially during the summer vacation, after the rain and the weather clears up, I like to look for small snails in the nooks and crannies outside the factory, in dark and humid places. I find it interesting to watch them slowly crawling on the dewy leaves. creature, but I don’t know which philosopher connected it with the top of the pyramid.

Gradually, I understood that this cute little thing had a rare spirit: perseverance and perseverance. And this is a quality that many of us lack.

Snail's own conditions are not excellent, it is very slow and even a little clumsy, but these are not excuses for it to settle for mediocrity. Instead, it moves towards its goal bit by bit. Maybe it will be scarred or even bruised in the process, but it still cannot change its firm belief. I can be slow, but I will never retreat.

1. "Shang Zhuo" is not really stupid, but a good character.

likes a saying: "God loves stupid children." And the "stupid" here does not mean true "stupid", but hard work.

Zeng Guofan, known as half a saint, is a typical "stupid person". He took part in the scientific examination, failed six times but did not lose heart, and passed the exam for the seventh time. From then on, his career seemed to be in trouble.

The Hunan Army he led defeated the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and preserved the Qing Dynasty rule. He also became the first of the four important officials in the late Qing Dynasty. However, I did not expect that no matter what he did, he would always use the so-called "stupid method."

Zeng Guofan said that when studying, you must have the word "patience" and the word "expertise": you can't be too monotonous if you only know one lesson. If you don't understand it today, you won't know it tomorrow. Read; if you are not good at it this year, read it again next year.

This is the characteristic of Zeng Guofan's reading. Don't continue until you understand. He also taught his family to follow "diligence" and "perseverance". It was his clumsy approach that, although slow to learn, laid a solid foundation for his profound knowledge.

Zeng Guofan’s example tells us: No matter what your foundation is, it is impossible to grow without persevering confidence. Your IQ may not be high enough, but your level of effort determines your level.

2. If you can’t take a small step, you can’t reach a thousand miles.

There is a saying in China that "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Especially on the road to growth, you need to do things well step by step. This is the only shortcut to success.

We need to set correct goals, plan well, and then get closer to your vision step by step. This road is long and we need courage, perseverance and confidence. But we need more perseverance.

has always liked a saying: The road to success is not crowded, because many people give up halfway. ”

When we want to give up, think about what consumes our willpower? Many people will use busy and no time as an excuse. In fact, you should think about whether the goal you set is unreasonable and prevents you from completing it. ? In this way, you are under too much pressure or lack of ability and choose to give up?

In fact, it is very simple at this time: adjust your goals.

Don’t set your goals too high, but you can achieve them every day. Don't stop.

On January 11 this year, a host sister in the community decided to accompany her friends to learn "The Analects of Confucius". She would start the live broadcast at 5:30 every morning and learn a sentence from "The Analects of Confucius" with everyone. We are all beginners, so she asked teachers to share their analysis. Although we may not study it as deeply as scholars, even the superficial meaning can benefit us a lot.Today, it has been nearly 170 days of studying "The Analects of Confucius". My friends are becoming more and more interested in Chinese studies. As a result, she now shares a Chinese allusion and a "Poetry" every day. In this way, we go step by step. Move forward and make progress little by little. Initially, the name of our community was the "Analects of Confucius" companion reading group, but now it has been changed to the Breeze Chinese Studies companion reading community. The number of study partners has also increased from a dozen people at the beginning, to dozens later, and now to nearly 200 people.

We study bit by bit every day, and I believe that we will guide more partners to join the ranks of learning Chinese studies. Our goal is to accompany thousands of people to learn Chinese classics. We also believe that as long as we use this kind of mini-habits to let our friends learn without pressure, the concept that learning is painful will eventually be eradicated and replaced by happy learning.

So, don’t be impatient, just make a little progress today than yesterday.

3. Don’t let your background hinder the pace of learning.

Origin and education cannot determine a person's destiny. The only way to learn is through diligence and perseverance.

Dong Yuhui, who works at New Oriental , was born in a small mountain village in Shanxi. A few years later, he became a gold medal English teacher and taught 500,000 students at New Oriental.

However, does anyone know the bitterness behind him. He was teased for being ugly. In the first English class in junior high school, the teacher asked everyone to read the twenty-six English letters. He was the only one who selflessly read "Agai Guaidai Goose Buddhist Song". The teacher kicked him out of the classroom, but he did not admit defeat. In order to learn English well, he forgot to eat and sleep, and raced against time to memorize words, texts, and even papers. There were many complex words that he could not remember clearly after memorizing them for more than a week.

Do you think he has a similar personality to Zeng Guofan? Coincidentally, he encouraged himself with the story of Zeng Guofan. While others were playing basketball and games, he covered his ears and memorized words. When other students were rushing home from school, Dong Yuhui wrote the words he had not memorized on his hands. While walking, he looked at the words on his hands and memorized them. He also

learned English The words are written on the arms and the results are printed on the clothes. Hard work paid off, and Dong Yuhui finally went to Xi'an International Studies University through Li. One of his old classmates teased him: "I didn't expect that under your ugly appearance, you actually have standard pronunciation!"

Now, Dong Yuhui is again He has become popular and has countless fans in his live broadcast room, but he always maintains a pure heart.

Dong Yuhui said: "In the short term, we strive for intelligence, in the midterm, we strive for perseverance, and in the long term, we strive for physical strength. Don't feel that you are falling behind, and live this life with a marathon mentality." We must do this in everything we do.


Growth and success are not achieved overnight, and there is no need to move forward quickly.

Don’t be impatient, learn a little bit every day, no matter what situation you are in, you must continue.

The road ahead is long. If you are tired, slow down, but don't stand still. The pace can be smaller. As long as you move forward, it is better than standing still. Because you can slow down, but you can’t stand still.