Leisure is the essence of life; apart from that, the whole life is just hard work and labor. ... Ordinary people only care about how to kill time, while people with a little talent think about how to use their time. Narrow-minded people are susceptible to boredom because their in

Leisure is the essence of life. Apart from this, human life is just hard work and labor. ... Ordinary people only care about how to kill time, while people with a little talent think about how to use their time. Narrow-minded people are susceptible to boredom because their intellect serves purely their will and is an instrument of it.

- Schopenhauer " The Wisdom of Life "


"I believe that nothing will pass without leaving a trace. For the present and future life, the smallest step we take It's all meaningful." - Chekhov's "My Life"

I stayed awake all night with words today.

The fragrance of trees and soil broke into the car, waking me up from my stupor, and I arrived in the village at about 11 o'clock in the evening.

The gym at night is like a sauna. At night on the mountain, it is a natural air-conditioned room. The slight coolness on the mountain is in sharp contrast to the heat below.

Another quick day trip to the city.

The three of us were chatting in the group in the morning. We hadn’t been together for a long time. We missed each other for a moment and immediately decided to go down the mountain. Set off at ten o'clock and arrive at Xinwen's house around eleven o'clock.

What is love? It has no precise definition. Everyone loves and expresses love differently.

Yoko said: "As long as it is what you love, I support it."

I said: "I love you."

When the three of us were together, there was the fragrance of tea, the fragrance of soul, and the fragrance of soul floating in the air. taste of love.

Some acquaintances at the gym asked me in the evening: "What on earth were you doing on the mountain? I'm very curious."

They didn't believe me when I told them to study. They don’t even believe it when they say they love nature. If I say that I work in the village, everyone will believe me.

At this moment, I remembered a sentence: My loneliness is not in the wilderness, but in the crowd.


"None of us wants to believe that most of our pain is caused by ourselves. We all think that the world owes us that we do not get happiness. When we don't get happiness, we Put the blame on the person closest to us." - " As I Die "

In the morning, I was washing my hair when my aunt suddenly came to visit. She came to me to borrow books.

"If you want to read a book, please call me and I can send it to you." I said.

She said she did not dare to use her mobile phone because she was afraid of being attacked online.

My aunt has a bad heart and her legs and feet are inconvenient, so it is very difficult to go up to the second floor. When I went downstairs, I helped her carry the bag with one hand and supported her with the other. I realized that her two bags weighed at least twenty kilograms. When I asked her why she didn't put it in her room, she said that it contained medicine, keys, and some of her diaries, and she was worried that it would be stolen if she put it in her room.

At that moment, I felt sorry for her and pitied her life.

What an insignificant item, my aunt has been carrying it every day for half a year. Even though I can't walk, I still have to carry them every day, just because I am worried that others will covet them. It was hard both physically and mentally.

How many people have been burdened with material things that will not be taken away by life or death, and they are so exhausted that they can even lose their lives. How many people can stand at the height of life, look at life and the world, be kind to themselves and tolerate others?

Life is a process of subtraction. My understanding of this subtraction is that as the spiritual world becomes more abundant over time, the material world will naturally become simpler. The poorer the spirit, the more they want to grab and fill the empty heart with material or food.

Let go of one thought and feel completely at ease. In the final analysis, it is still ", be kind and protect "!

I looked at my door. The kitchen on the first floor is never locked. As long as we are not going down the mountain, the room is never locked. If anyone needs any material things, feel free to take them! Except my book.

On the highway in the morning, Da Ge drove. The clouds in the sky are also beautiful. This is a beautiful city.

Being the referee for Brother Xuan

This is a photo sent by the father of Xinyang Maojian

The lovely children

Depart from the island at around five o'clock.Returning to the community, it feels familiar.

took the opportunity to practice memorizing. This time I feel so bad about myself~I am fat and weak...