#Meet More Beautiful Childhood# As I grow older, I become more and more nostalgic, and I begin to miss my carefree self more and more when I was a child. Regarding what happened when I was a child, except for some memories and some old photos that remain in my mind, there seems t

Pictures are needed, the pictures are from the Internet

To the west of the village is a winding road running from north to south, which was called National Highway 205 at that time. When I was a child, I had the impression that the road was very wide, and four-wheeled cars, tractors, and buses would pass by from time to time. You have to stand on the side of the road and wait for a long time to take the bus. I think I only took it once before junior high school. When I was still young, my grandma took me to my aunt’s house. We walked from the village to the roadside and waited for the bus for a long time. Then we took a bus for a while. After getting off the bus, we walked a long way to our aunt’s house. . I have forgotten what I was doing at my aunt's house. I only remember that when I came back from my aunt's house, I lay on the bedside and vomited for a long time. It was the first time in my life that I knew what motion sickness was.

There are three major intersections connecting the village to the highway, one in the south, one in the middle, and one in the north. Our home is at the northernmost part of the village. A small road leads through a patch of vegetable fields and a dense chestnut forest to the Chenjia Village next door. At that time, my mother often asked my brother and I to go to the next village with a bag of wheat to exchange for pancakes or baked goods.

Pictures are needed, the pictures are from the Internet

To the east of the village is a high dike. There are peach and apple trees under the dike, and further down is a small river trickling southward. When I was a child, I often went to the river to pick peaches and apples to eat in late summer and early autumn. I also often went to the river to play with my friends. At the beginning, the river was not deep and the water was very clear. We often rolled up our pants to catch fish, shrimps and clams in the shallow water. When we were thirsty, we would dig a spring on the beach by the river and drink directly from it. Later, a paper mill came upstream of the river. From then on, the water turned yellow-brown. Some boys who liked to bathe in the water began to get red and itchy. So the adults stopped letting their children go into the water. Later, boats digging and selling sand appeared in nearby villages. The river was dug deeper and deeper. Every year, several children disappeared into the dark river. This attracted the attention of parents in nearby villages, and the children began to stay away. this river.

Illustrations are required, and the pictures are from the Internet

The village to the south of us is a relatively wealthy village. At that time, in addition to growing crops, the people in the village also made some handicrafts. There were young people in the village who were doing business and making money and donated money to their own village. Money is needed to build roads, and the economic conditions of several surrounding villages are better than that of this village. The market is held every week on the central street of this village. Because it is close, our children often go shopping. Although we rarely buy anything, just shopping is still fun.

Our village is divided into two parts: front street and back street by three main roads. The place where I live belongs to the back street. When I was a child, my brother and I had relatively good company. There were some only children who had no one to play with at home and almost went to the streets every day to find people to play with. Walking in a few alleys, you could find a few familiar friends. Usually the children in the back streets play to the north of Zhongxin Street, and the children in the front street play to the south of Zhongxin Street. They occasionally join in the fun, but most of the time they play in their own territory. One is that the children are relatively familiar with each other, and the other is One is more convenient for mothers to call their children home for dinner.

Illustrations are needed. The pictures come from the Internet.

When I grew up, my brother and I rarely went home when we studied and worked abroad. It wasn’t until one day that our parents informed us that we were moving, that we learned that our hometown had been demolished. My parents temporarily rented outside for two years before moving into the new house they divided. The land in my hometown has been renovated into a zoological and botanical garden . Now every time I go there to play, I am filled with emotion. I can’t help but think of bits and pieces of my childhood, but this place that once held childhood memories is no longer what it once was. appearance.

Life is like this. There are always many forces that push you to keep moving forward, but I still don't forget to tell you: "Go forward, don't look back!"