Understand that the right decision does not necessarily lead to happiness. Okay, now that I’ve wallowed in my fatal flaw, wallowed in a puddle on a rainy day, and seen how my anxieties project onto the outside world and those outside of it. It’s so painful to face myself. This ti

Understand that making the right decision does not necessarily lead to happiness.

Well, I have experienced my fatal flaw, wallowing in a puddle on a rainy day, and seeing how my anxiety is projected onto the outside world and people outside. It’s so painful to face myself. This time I’ve almost reflected on it, and that’s it.

Is my adventure over? I plan to never use social software again and meet people on social software. None of them had a positive impact on me. Because people who appear charming and interesting online are often charismatic manipulator types who know how to be more popular. And chatting with some less interesting people online may be healthier for them, but there is no need to continue chatting too much.

started to feel a little uncomfortable again, but it wasn't fear, it wasn't sadness, it was just a simple heartache. In order to regain oneself, one must endure this brief emotional episode.

Everything is empty is actually anti-essentialism, which opposes any fixed essence of things. Any manifestation appears in a specific relationship (how is it a bit like OOO and ANT theory). It means that everything has no independent self-nature, and has and There is only the relational nature of “having only relational nature”. The important thing is that we cannot understand emptiness as a quality, and we cannot "confirm emptiness into reality", that is, materialize emptiness.