Some people say that the greatest challenge in life is to be able to take it when you are full of ambition, and the greatest comfort in life is to be able to let go when you are hit, encounter difficulties or things don't go well, and have no choice but to let go. In life, destin

Some people say that the biggest challenge in life is to be able to when you are full of ambition, and the greatest comfort in life is to be able to let go when you are hit, encounter difficulties or things are not going well, and have no choice but to .

In life, destiny always fluctuates. Everyone will experience ups and downs to varying degrees. No one's life will be smooth, there will be twists and turns. Some things are always confusing right and wrong, which may confuse people's hearts. At this time, if you don't have enough courage to face and challenge, you may live in fear forever.

What we have to do is to break the fear. Nothing can stop us from moving forward for a long time. Some things are just "paper tigers" that break when you poke them.

Therefore, we must not be afraid of dangers and difficulties, we must have an optimistic attitude and a brave heart, grasp the general direction, and not lose the direction. We must not get entangled or hesitate on major issues of right and wrong. We must take up powerful weapons to solve them, that is can be picked up and put down easily.

Northern Song Dynasty A man of the hour Fan Zhongyan When he fell from the peak of glory and wealth to the trough, he was not trapped by the world, and still maintained his righteousness and integrity. Living is happiness, "Don't be happy with things. ", not feeling sorry for oneself" became his greatest happiness. Only then did he have the idea of ​​"worrying before the world's worries, and rejoicing after the world's happiness" and the integrity of benevolent people, which had a profound impact on future generations.

Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role, there are protagonists and supporting roles. The supporting characters in the play sometimes turn into the protagonists, and they will naturally be flattered when they become the protagonists; but after turning from the protagonists, they not only become supporting characters in the blink of an eye, but also seem to have their own arrangements, some people are happy, others are worried.

If we can not be so frustrated by bad luck, not give up on ourselves, and calmly play the supporting role, maybe one day we will change from the supporting role to the protagonist.

The ancients said, "Don't let drama disturb the true love, and just let it happen and let me win." In life, you don't need to let the ups and downs of winning and losing, ups and downs disturb your mood. Only when you can treat all the gains and losses, misfortunes and misfortunes with the heart of life as a play can you have success and happiness.

The first president of the United States Washington was re-elected for one term and then determined not to be re-elected. Attend the farewell banquet calmly when leaving office. He also participated in the swearing-in ceremony of the new president Adams, and then returned to his hometown Vernon Hills with a calm mind. His broad mind and extraordinary demeanor are admirable. And his free and generous brilliance and style have left eternal memories in history.

Success will always belong to those who have those six words - one by one can afford it and can put it down.

We must keep these six words in mind. After success, we will not be burdened by fame and wealth, be fascinated by flowers, and will not be dazzled by applause. Life is like a play. Keep up the good work and go on bravely; at the same time, we also know how to do it. Being a hero is not easy, it requires more wisdom and courage; but being able to "always be a human being" is even more difficult, it requires greater courage and higher wisdom. The road is long, and only those who understand him will have the last laugh.