On the second day of June, the sun was still shining brightly in the morning, and it became overcast around 8 or 9 o'clock. The scorching sun shone briefly around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and then it started to rain continuously. However, it hasn't rained much yet. It's just s

On the second day of June, the sun was still shining brightly in the morning, and it became overcast around 8 or 9 o'clock. The scorching sun flickered for a while at around 1 p.m., and then it became overcast and rainy. However, it hasn't rained much yet. It's just stuffy, hot, and humid. Da Da is sticky.

accomplished two big things today, haha, I am an old man with nothing to do, and even the smallest things I do are big things.

I didn't get up early today. I woke up after five o'clock and felt like I still needed to sleep. Besides, when I left the bed, my waist seemed to be broken, and it was difficult to start walking. So I moved to the bathroom, but I couldn't sit down and couldn't get up. It took a lot of effort to finish. Forget it, I decided to put myself on the sofa and take a nap.

When I got up at seven o'clock, my waist and legs felt a little more relaxed. Well, I washed up, drank a glass of water, and then went to the small courtyard to clean up and bask in the sun and get some wind. I moved around outside and stretched my stiff body. I went home around eight o'clock, cooked a bowl of cereal, heated up a rice dumpling, and had breakfast. Take a shower, put on clean clothes, and lie down.

I heard someone talking outside, oh, it turned out to be Teacher Zhang’s sister on the sixth floor and her little baby watching the tweed. I teased the baby. To be honest, at my age as a grandmother, I really want to be with my children. Yes, besides, I have always liked children. It was cloudy, and it was already 9:30, so she took her little baby for a walk. As for me, I pinched a lot of amaranth and picked eight cowpeas and went back to the house. Hey, I didn’t even turn off the fan when I went out. . I turned off the fan and started working. There was still a cool breeze on a cloudy day.

What I wanted to do a few days ago was to cut off the Houttuynia cordata and wild celery to make room for the potato seedlings to climb. This is my main dish in summer. There are four holes of potato seedlings on the side of the stone road, so let's get started. I cut twenty or thirty kilograms of Houttuynia cordata and wild celery, pulled out some grass, and then tidied up the extension of the stone road, transplanted four periwinkle , three purslane , and two wild chrysanthemum , let the middle road go, no matter whether the west neighbor can walk or not, I will continue to go to her house. After a few days, harvest a few potato plants and put the wild chrysanthemums on a flower stand, and the potato vines will have enough space. Pinch off the tender core of wild celery and keep it for eating. There is quite a lot of it. Blanch it and mix it with dried fragrant seeds. You will definitely have a plate of it. I don’t want the Houttuynia cordata anymore. I dried a little of it some time ago and it’s enough. Clean the battlefield without wasting it. Sprinkle wild celery and Houttuynia cordata evenly in the green belt. They can still take root and grow on rainy days. Hey, why is the sun coming out? I quickly watered the transplanted green plants with fixed root water. I looked at my phone. It was already a quarter past one. I seemed to have been busy for three or four hours. Don’t bother admiring your “achievement” and call it a day!

The meal is ready-made, leftover from the night before, and heated in the microwave. I will eat it later and move the items from the freezer to the freezer. My plan for the afternoon is to clean out the refrigerator and freezer.

Drink a glass of cold water and have lunch, which is curry, potato and beef rice bowl. Without stopping, start by cleaning and wiping the refrigerator. The seal was dirty again, so I wiped it with toothpaste. After all, after eight years of use, there were spots that couldn't be wiped off. The refrigerator is not too full, and I don’t plan to store too much in the future. After all, I am alone most of the time. The freezer is easy to take care of, and I just put all the rice and noodles in it. Hey, it's full. The man in my family is a bit stupid. He brought a lot of rice last time, but he didn’t count it. The two of us only eat more than 100 kilograms of rice a year. It seems that I won’t have to worry about running out of rice to cook during the Spring Festival [ Laughing] [laughing]. I took the opportunity to tidy up the kitchen. I didn’t do it very thoroughly, but just did some rough things. Just like that, it was dark, it was past six-thirty, and we had been working hard for more than four hours. Take out the trash, cook noodles with amaranth, and, um, keep a running account.

The periwinkles have begun to bloom, and there are two of them today. I look forward to the day when there will be rows of small pink flowers, which will bring girlish dreams to the garden...