I am running on my lonely road, even though I cannot see the end point and hope. There are too many flames to cool my ideals. I am still burning, I still believe... I type I show you dare to challenge!

I am running on my lonely road, unable to see the end or hope. There are too many flames to cool my ideals. I am still burning, I still believe...

My type I show

Do you dare to challenge!

Some people say that youth is like water,

even if it is not squandered, it will evaporate...

Some people say that youth is like a shooting star,

although it is short-lived, it has the splendor that cuts through the sky...

Some people say that youth is an evergreen. Trees never wither...

Youth should always be on the road,

may be excited, sad, or moved,

will always be filled with smiles and tears...


Everyone should have their own attitude towards youth. . If you say "Who is in charge of my youth?", then the best answer should be "I". I am in charge of my own youth, I manage my own life, and I walk my own path. This is the best state. Along the way, if you encounter sunshine and rain, then enjoy it happily; if you encounter storms, then face it calmly; whether it is good or bad, it is an indispensable process.

Everyone’s life is a journey, but the path they take is different, the direction they choose is different, the emotions they pay are different, and the stories that happen are also different.

- Lin Huiyin

all said that "there are no two identical leaves in the world", and naturally there will not be two identical people. It is normal for some people to question and object. People should not be arrogant, but they must be confident. Even if others deny you, you must believe in yourself. Live your own personality, live your own style. Although popular things are easy to accept, it is definitely not good to follow the crowd. Why change yourself for the eyes of others? Why change your original intention for the sake of other people's thoughts? You can wear what you like, eat what you like, do what you like...


On the road of life, stopping and walking is a kind of leisure, walking and watching is a kind of elegance, and walking and forgetting is a kind of leisure. Be open-minded. Why push yourself to be so tired and rush on the road? When the road ends, you miss out on the fun and excitement. It is better to pursue and enjoy at the same time. If you think you are happy, look for it; if you think it is worth it, wait for it; if you think it is happy, cherish it. Be the truest and most beautiful version of yourself, follow your heart, and have no regrets in this life.


even if it hurts, it is still beautiful,

even if it is sad, it is still brilliant.

Bloom your passion, run for youth, and make your dreams happen!


Everyone’s youth is a gorgeous dream, both real and illusory, intoxicating. Sweet fruits, blooming flowers, beautiful fairy tales, this is the youth that everyone yearns for, and everyone also has such a dream-like youth.

There is always a period of time in life where there is a large blank space. You are waiting, you are persevering, you are silent. You are waiting for a spring blossom and autumn harvest, you are waiting for a new round of spring warmth and flowers to bloom, and you are waiting for an unprecedented thunderstorm. These silent days are a bit long and boring, but I will wait. I believe that people can be young more than once, and sometimes, time will give you extra surprises.

In my memories, youth is light, always touching, profound but short-lived, gorgeous but fleeting... I can’t help but think of fireworks. It is a pity and a pain to complete the blooming of beauty with the pain of being broken into pieces. Kind of beauty.

If you bloom, butterflies will come.

If you are wonderful, God will arrange it.

As long as you are willing to work hard for yourself, the world will surprise you!