This is the first rain since midsummer. For people who have been scorched for several days, it is a comfort, so I will record this summer rain in my words! In midsummer, after a rainstorm, the heat was gradually swallowed up by the coolness of the rain, leaving only the slightest

This is the first rain since midsummer. For people who have been scorched for several days, it is a comfort, so I will record this summer rain in my words!

In midsummer, after a rainstorm, the heat was gradually swallowed up by the coolness of the rain, leaving only the slightest coolness. In the past few days, people's expectations for rain have come true. Although it is temporary, it can bring temporary relief. Give people some comfort!

Time links the past. I am thinking that after several days of exposure to the sun, the growing young shoots, how can their desire for the rain be regarded as just a spiritual comfort for us? It’s even more of a sweet shower!

Yes, after the storm is over, you won't remember how you survived, and you won't even be sure that the storm is really over. But one thing is for sure: when you go through the storm, you are no longer the same person. This passage is what Japanese writer Murakami wrote in one of his books.

Our life growth is not like this. No matter how much we have experienced, the memory and love in the story of time are always changing ourselves day by day!

How many times have I told myself that every time the years pass by, a seed will be planted in our hearts. There is love, thoughts, hate, longing, and endless worries. As long as we meet With the right temperature, moisture, and sunlight, they can germinate and grow into their original form!

Today, when I was listening to the rain through the window, in the streams, I heard the uproar among the green seedlings in the fields. They, who had been exposed to the scorching sun for several days, were like children, happily blending into this place. In the long-awaited rain...

My worries were eliminated one by one. Perhaps time is the best witness. The anxiety and restlessness in my heart gradually calmed down in this rain, although it was temporary. Yes, but for us in the world, Wuying is a support for the troubles in life!

On the road of life, it is not smooth sailing for everyone, and they will always encounter various ups and downs. However, is this not an experience for people? Anyone who has made great achievements will use the suffering he encounters in life as a sword until he is afraid of life. Only in this way will he not be intimidated by fear and thus take the initiative in life!

Why do you have such thoughts when it rains? I silently flipped through the days, seemingly trying to find something to defend myself!

Since midsummer, the sun has been like fire, scorching the earth and also scorching us. People in the heat wave are like ants on a hot pot, restless. I can't deny this feeling! Deep down in my heart, like all the people who are being burned, I am looking forward to a rain, so when I look forward to it most intensely, I will look at the clouds and listen to the wind!

The rain is coming. Although it is accompanied by wind and thunder and lightning, it comes in people's expectations and in people's hearts!

I applaud this rain. His appearance not only relieves people’s anxiety and uneasiness under the scorching sun for several days, it is also a kind of sweet rain for the growing seedlings, a timely rain and a life-saving rain!


Note: The picture comes from the Internet, thanks!

About the author: Wen Xiaohong is from Changzhi, Shanxi. He works at Changzhi Shangdang Vocational School and is a lecturer. His online names are mostly used for pedestrians, Wen Xiaohongzhu, Changzhi pedestrians, etc. He loves literature and mainly writes prose and poetry. His literary works are mainly scattered in Major websites such as Chinese Writers Network, Hongxiu Tianxiang, Jiangshan Literature, Prose Online, Yangliu'an, and Chinese Poetry Network, as well as publications such as Shanxi Daily, Qilu Literature, and Education and Teaching Research, have published their novella "The Woman in the Rental House" on Hongxiu Tianxiang is on the shelves, and he is currently the deputy editor-in-chief and editor of the prose column of Jiangshan Literature Tianya. Recording life in words has always been the principle of my creation. I write according to my heart, so please pay attention.