Ordinary people say: Men love women, yin and yang are in harmony, it is a natural thing! One of the three great joys in life is the wedding night! If there is really no desire and no pursuit, what is the meaning of living?

The rich said: The poor lack the ambition to become rich!

Ordinary people say: Men love women, yin and yang are in harmony, it is natural and right! One of the three great joys in life is the wedding night! A moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold!

The monk said: Emptiness is color, and form is emptiness! Only when you let go of the seven emotions and six desires and the four elements are empty can you gain great freedom!

Tai Chi master said: There is movement in stillness, and stillness in movement! As moving as a rabbit, as quiet as a mountain! The reality and reality can be transformed in an instant, allowing him to change in an ever-changing manner without any chaos in his heart!

The Taoist priest said: Tao follows nature, and the best is like water. Water is good for all things without any struggle! Water and fire should be ruthless, just follow the trend!

The master said: You can have desires, but you need to know how to stop without defeat! The best performance of a good car is not to run fast, but to have excellent braking function!

The big boss said: Women are the stimulant of my struggle! Later, I earned three, four, five dollars! He said the secret to his success is to ignite his desire!

Sanren said: Half of life is right or wrong, Sai is like a living god!

How can one truly live without desires and desires in this world? If you really have no desires or desires, what is the meaning of living? If you want to leave an eternal name, then just dedicate your life! Just burn yourself like a candle, and you will be the great sage of the ages! If you set aside five points to contribute to the world, you can become a great virtuous person!

I don’t agree with ordinary people’s anti-human nature of having no desires or desires! After all, wealth, fame and fortune are what ordinary people pursue!