When repenting or regretting, it is very important to make a distinction between "the thing you did" and "the person who did it". In other words, it is the "thing" that is really at fault. Rather than "you", because the "you" who made the mistake was also driven by "troubles" and

2024/07/0220:41:32 article 1457

When repenting or regretting, a very important concept is

You must clearly distinguish between "the thing you did" and "the you who did it".

In other words, the one who is really at fault is "Things"

rather than "you", because the "you"

who made the mistake was also driven by "troubles" and was unable to make mistakes independently. The fault did not lie with you

. Therefore, it is "you" who have to repent and regret. "Things"

Therefore, we should "treat things, not people"

Therefore, I think it is very important that when we make mistakes and create karma, we should try to keep a distance between the "sins we have made" and "self" and give ourselves a distance. Space

Otherwise, you will feel that "that crime is me" and you will be overwhelmed by that incident, and even become depressed and live in the shadow forever. This is wrong.

When repenting, you should put your sin aside

I will try my best. What I need to do is that I will no longer create such sins and try to stay clean through repentance.

When repenting or regretting, it is very important to make a distinction between

I know that some people consciously commit mistakes. They have a deep sense of guilt and guilt, and they always live in the shadow of sins in their hearts.

can no longer stand up, cannot be optimistic, cannot step out of the quagmire of negative energy. Therefore, I feel that we should keep a distance between "the mistakes we made" and "the me who made the mistakes". In order to think Think about it, why did you do this wrong thing?

It's because we are controlled by worries and negative emotions, a bit like a mental illness patient

Maybe we don't regard worries as mental illness, nor do we regard "being controlled by worries" as a problem

Sometimes I feel very strongly that when When I am angry, I seem to have become another person.

When I think about the process afterwards, I feel so scared.

Who is the angry person? I don’t even recognize myself!

When repenting or regretting, it is very important to make a distinction between

When you face an angry person when practicing "forbearance", you have to think about why he would cause harm to you?

Sometimes if we don’t want to know clearly, we will think that the other person is bad, but in fact we should understand that this person is also involuntarily controlled by worries...

A good example is: If someone hits us with a stick

we don’t You will be angry with the stick, because the stick is innocent and is being controlled.

And the same situation happens when a person is like the stick, controlled by emotions. This is the correct concept we should have.

Therefore, we must clearly distinguish "this person" And "what this person has done" This is the part of "regret"

All fears arise from selfishness. When there is love in the heart, one can be invincible.

People living on the earth, although they want to be happy, are very Few people can truly achieve happiness

The main confusion comes from our ideas

It completely reverses right and wrong and reverses cause and effect

As a result, people suffer endless pain and confusion...

When repenting or regretting, it is very important to make a distinction between

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