Home I am an ordinary child with an ordinary home, ordinary parents, and an ordinary life. On an ordinary sunrise, the sunlight falls on the bedside like broken jade, spreading crystal clear light throughout the room. The temperature was still very low when I got up, so I put on

2024/07/0215:23:32 article 1267


I am an ordinary child, with an ordinary home, ordinary parents, and an ordinary life.

On an ordinary sunrise, the sunlight falls on the bedside like broken jade, spreading crystal clear light throughout the room. The temperature was still very low when I got up, so I put on a thick coat and walked out the door. Passing by the kitchen, I saw my mother's shadowy figure. In the morning light, she looked as beautiful as Mary cut out of a church mural, with gentle and holy features. At this time, my mother was still cooking porridge. She believed that eating outside in the morning was a waste, unhygienic and unnutritious, so she decided to make breakfast at home, with almost no exception.

Believe me, my mother’s craftsmanship is still very good! After washing up, I picked up the white rice porridge my mother served for me. Unsurprisingly, I saw the red dates on the porridge noodles. The snow-white, soft and waxy rice porridge was paired with the crystal-clear and sweet red dates. I was appetizing at the first sight. After taking a strong sniff of the sweetness of red date porridge , I put breakfast spoonful after spoonful into my mouth with satisfaction. ——Ha, this is one of the great enjoyments in life!

At this time, I found my mother leaning on the door frame, quietly admiring me enjoying the breakfast she prepared for me. Her eyebrows stayed on the elegant look of a Jiangnan woman, her eyes were clear, as clean as a newborn February lotus. The sun was warm, and my mother's doting eyes were as warm as the sun. I just felt comfortable, so I gave my mother a sweet smile, warm and soft, and then received a smile in return from my mother. .

This kind of life is normal and warm, and I enjoy it very much.

Home I am an ordinary child with an ordinary home, ordinary parents, and an ordinary life. On an ordinary sunrise, the sunlight falls on the bedside like broken jade, spreading crystal clear light throughout the room. The temperature was still very low when I got up, so I put on  - DayDayNews

Sending me to school was part of my father’s job. The air-conditioned car was very comfortable. My father would chat with me casually while driving. When he told me some funny things, I would definitely fall down on the seat with laughter. At this time, my father would look at me helplessly. At one glance, it looked like there was nothing I could do about it. Upon closer inspection, I found that he was actually quite good-looking, with handsome eyes and slender eyebrows. He looked helpless and still had a smile hanging on the corners of his lips, so the dimples hidden on his cheeks had nowhere to hide, making him look angry and funny. look.

Then I laughed even harder. In the end, I didn't even know what I was laughing at.

After sending me to school, my father was ready to leave. When I passed by his car window, he lowered the window and wanted to say something again, "Is there anything else?" "Go home early after school on weekends, and don't delay too long on the road. Is the living allowance enough? How about I give it more?" You..." It was my turn to smile helplessly at him: "Enough! Enough! Don't worry, I will rush home as soon as school is over on weekends!" Looking at my father's silhouette in the morning light, he looked like a child. A simple but charming sand painting, for a moment, my eyes felt hazy and warm.

Although my parents are very ordinary and my life is very ordinary, because I have parents who love me so much and have such a warm family, my heart is full and my life is interesting. It seems like I'm quite happy, right?

I love you - Dad!

I love you - Mom!

I love you - my home!

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