The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals, and it is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful. Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is that more than 90% of people regret it when they were young. Not working hard

2024/06/2818:03:32 article 1768

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals. It is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals, and it is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful. Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is that more than 90% of people regret it when they were young. Not working hard  - DayDayNews

Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is . More than 90% of people will regret that they are young. I didn’t work hard enough on , which ultimately led to nothing being accomplished. In fact, the "midlife crisis" advocated by the society is just the result of not working hard enough when you were young; it seems to have nothing to do with those hardworking people. Therefore, in order to avoid ending up in a situation where you have nothing but regrets, don’t let yourself down in your best years, seize the opportunity while you are young, and work hard to make progress.

gave the conclusion. We need to investigate the reasons. Why do we regret not working hard when we are young when we are old? What makes us slack off when we are young? There are many reasons. Parents and teachers are just doing this for a "sprint race". When the sprint race is over, life seems to be perfect if you get admission to a famous school. We should think carefully about how to continue to keep children curious. There is only one model of success now. Success can actually be diverse, but these diversity are supported by children's continuous curiosity.

We are trapped in the standard answer. There is no standard answer in life. If there is a standard, you will lose your own pursuit of ideals.

Be curious about the world

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals, and it is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful. Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is that more than 90% of people regret it when they were young. Not working hard  - DayDayNews

The cultivation of scientific spirit is to cultivate the courage of children to dare to question. Scientific conclusions are generated because of the temporary "conclusions" we obtain through experiments or theoretical derivation. From geocentric theory to heliocentric theory, the sun revolves around the Milky Way , and where does the Milky Way revolve around? Therefore, the conclusion is only temporary, and young people need to dare to question it. Similarly, for experts and professors of , when they hear ideas that challenge my doctrines and theories, they should encourage and support .

Young people can see bright stars and rivers when they look out the window, and they can also see mountains and flowing water. This should not be the only fill-in-the-blank question. The answer is "spring".

Curious about my own spiritual world

Where do my ideas come from? We must learn to trace back to our roots. After so many years of reform and opening up, why can’t China produce masters? Because we are all canned products on the production line. The growth of the master also relied on the guidance of teachers and copying other people's works. The difference is that he reinterpreted the world and repainted the world with a rich spiritual world.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals, and it is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful. Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is that more than 90% of people regret it when they were young. Not working hard  - DayDayNews

How does our brain help us build this world? How I established my worldview and so on are all reflections in depth. A superficial study is just entertainment.

Learn and understand more in order to cope with uncertainty

The way to cope with uncertainty is to embrace uncertainty. Acrobatic performance artists who walk on the tightrope also undergo long-term training to be able to walk on the tightrope. First of all, we must maintain curiosity and constantly explore the world. Young people do not find pleasure in reading, so what is the point of lifelong learning? As parents and teachers, how to continue to keep children curious is also an important consideration.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans have ideals, and it is these surreal pursuits that make people more meaningful. Among the most regretful things in life, the number one thing is that more than 90% of people regret it when they were young. Not working hard  - DayDayNews

Build your own inner world and adapt to the ever-changing

This world is the projection of our spiritual world. How we see the world depends on how we define it in our hearts.

Thoughts about family, friendship, love, and human nature are inexhaustible treasures in Chinese culture. Communicating with people is not about doing math problems like 1+1=2. If people don’t like you, they just don’t like you. You can’t use formulas to prove anything.

Understand the history of the world and build cultural confidence

The world is ever-changing, but what remains unchanged is people’s most fundamental demands, food, clothing, and the realization of the value of life. By learning Chinese culture, you can find your own perspective on the world. The same glass of water is for drinking in the cup, and it is for cooking in the pot. It's just that our definitions of water are different.

Chinese culture has a long history, but there has been a lot of abuse of Chinese culture in history. Confucius's "loyalty" is to be loyal to one's own heart. Confucian Many people who "die admonished" in history also came from persistence in their own hearts. It's just that in some dynasties, culture was used as a tool to restrain others.

The original text of the three cardinal principles and the five constant principles is as follows:

The three cardinal principles :

The king is the guide for his ministers, If the king is not upright, the minister will surrender to another country .

The country is based on the people.If the country is not upright, the people will attack..

The father is the guide for the son, The father is unkind, and the son runs away to a foreign land.

The son is the father's hope, The son is not upright, and the righteousness will destroy the relatives..

The husband is the guide for his wife. If the husband is not upright, the wife can remarry..

The wife helps her husband, if the wife is unvirtuous, the husband will divorce her..

Wuchang :

The benevolence of love, the righteousness of justice, the courtesy of the king, philosophy and wisdom, compassion and trust

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