Lu Yao, a seemingly ordinary person, has become an extraordinary person through ordinary life. When you are in trouble, please read "The Ordinary World". After seeing all kinds of things in life, you can start again with a peaceful mind. Know yourself and face life.

2024/06/2313:39:32 article 1903

Hello everyone, the 230th article of "Evening Breeze in the Wheat Field", remember to like and follow, and continue to share the philosophy and fun of life with you. .

Lu Yao, a seemingly ordinary person, has become an extraordinary person through ordinary life. When you are in trouble, please read

Lu Yao, a seemingly ordinary person, has become an extraordinary person through ordinary life.

He makes readers understand that life is difficult and easy, but everyone can live a wonderful life and find the unique color of life. .

When you are in difficulty, please read "The Ordinary World". After seeing all the things in life, you can re-recognize yourself and face life with a peaceful attitude.

The following 10 sentences are brought to you, and I hope you will be full of strength. , live a transparent life.

01 I am an ordinary person, but an ordinary person can also live an extraordinary life.

People are born as ordinary people, and they are also one of the masses, inconspicuous and not outstanding.

But people are also You can live an extraordinary life, but I am not asking you to become great people such as , Deng Jiaxian, , Zhan Tianyou, and Li Dazhao.

They are naturally admirable, but you and I do not have the power to do great things or people.

Everyone has their own unique value. For example, if you write a good book, it can bring spiritual resonance to many people and inspire others, and it can also change from ordinary to extraordinary.

02 When a person focuses on his own misfortune, it is difficult for him to imagine the suffering of others.

We all have a common mentality. We always think that the misfortunes we encounter are huge disasters and indelible pain, but for others, Encounters are often passed by at a glance.

Of course, it can only be unforgettable if it happens to you.

People are like this. They exaggerate misfortunes infinitely, stare at them, and cannot let go.

But the sufferings endured by others may be hundreds of times worse than yours. When you think about it, your own pain is nothing.

03Spiritual depression is tantamount to suicide

Spirit is the soul that drives people upward. If the soul is lost, it will be like a walking corpse, lost in direction, and confused every day.

Inamori Kazuo said:

Your magnetic field has locked your destiny.

A person with a positive and positive spirit will naturally be able to attract good things and good luck.

But a depressed person may quietly fall into the water and become isolated from the world.

Only by clearing your heart and raising your spirit can you defeat all bad things.

Lu Yao, a seemingly ordinary person, has become an extraordinary person through ordinary life. When you are in trouble, please read

04Only when you treat others sincerely can others treat you sincerely.

Moral quality and connotation are not only reflected in appearance but also in behavior and heart.

When interacting with others, if you abandon your bad intentions and treat others wholeheartedly, they will also treat you as a guest.

If a person is too evil-minded, he will definitely have more enemies than friends.

Be a simple person and the other person will be happier if you make them happy.

05To live, you must always be prepared to endure hardships

Sufferings sounds nicer, why not call them calamities!

Every time you pass a hurdle, people will grow up. This has been true throughout the ages.

No one's life can go through smoothly. If something doesn't happen, wouldn't it be a waste of time in this world.

Look at that person who has not struggled thousands of times before and after his life. Don’t be afraid. When soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it up.

06Because you can suffer, it means that you still have hope for life.

You want to get it but can't get it, so you are in pain.

If a person is indifferent to even basic needs, it means that this person is finished.

The root of the pain is that you don't get it, and forcing or motivating yourself to work hard towards your goal is obviously a good thing.

is the most terrifying thing for people who have no desires or desires.

07There are only a few key steps in a person's life, especially when you are young.

One step is wrong and every step is wrong.

The college entrance examination is a turning point, choosing a major in college is also a turning point, and the job industry is even more of a turning point.

A choice may only have an impact at the time, but the landmines laid will detonate many years later.

What kind of life a person has can be traced back to the choices he has made.

Lu Yao, a seemingly ordinary person, has become an extraordinary person through ordinary life. When you are in trouble, please read

08 You cannot wait for others to arrange your life. You have to fight and fight for it yourself.

Please remember that the protagonist of life is always yourself, and the things and people around you are your supporting roles, making you shine.

Instead of leaving your destiny to others, it is better to be the master yourself.

If you follow other people's arrangements, you will always stand in the light. If others are in the dark, you will definitely not win.

Only when you know what you want and take the initiative to fight for it and struggle can you make progress. Only when you see hope can you have hope in life.

09True love is not self-interested, but should be altruistic.

Love is not about asking for money, nor is it about finding a wealthy sponsor or a powerful and substantial person to let yourself climb to the top. It is about achieving each other and growing together.

If pure love turns into a transaction or profit, then you will be mixed with fame and fortune, and your life will be very painful.

10Labor is always a good medicine to heal mental trauma

Labor is not only physical exertion, but also a spiritual anesthetic.

Only by being busy can we resolve the pain and sadness that life brings. Only by numbing ourselves and not leaving any space for our thoughts can we continue to sleep.

I often hear people say: "It's okay, just keep yourself busy."

All the past will disappear, all unbearable things will pass with time, and all pain will be buried in the ground.


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