Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age. "Don't forget the mul

2024/05/2201:45:33 article 1868

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

People often say that nothing matters after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

"Don't forget the mulberry trees at night, the sky is full of clouds." After more than sixty years of ups and downs in life, I have tasted the ups and downs, and I have seen through the prosperity of life. After the age of sixty, it is time to abandon all grudges and start a new life.

However, when a person reaches this age, the key is that his body begins to decline. No matter in any aspect, he can no longer be as willful as before.

Therefore, when you are over sixty, you must learn to restrain yourself in these matters.

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

1. Diet

People are like a machine. After more than sixty years of operation, there will be some wear and tear. So, we must pay special attention to our diet.

As long as you go to the doctor, you will hear such instructions: reduce calorie supply, eat less sugar and salt, eat more high-protein foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, pay attention to calcium supplements, etc.

have to admit that this is a healthy way to retire. If you can't do this, something will happen to your body.

In addition, try not to smoke or drink alcohol if you can, and don't overeat.

Just last night, an 80-year-old man in the community complained of abdominal pain. His children were so anxious that they were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment in the middle of the night. It turned out that the uncle had abdominal pain caused by indigestion after eating too much chicken for dinner.

Therefore, when you reach this age, you must learn to restrain yourself when it comes to eating, and do not ask for trouble for yourself or your children.

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

2. Temper

Everyone has their own temper. For people over sixty, they must learn to restrain themselves in this regard.

Medical science shows that human emotions have a very direct relationship with the body's immune function. Especially in old age, being unable to control your temper will cause the body's immunity to decline and induce many diseases. Some people say that diseases are caused by anger, which is not unreasonable.

This is the case with an uncle who is almost 70 years old that the author knows. His temper is still the same as when he was young, like gunpowder , he can get angry easily. As a result, I became angry and walked away from my wife, and also severed ties with my son. Later, after he was hospitalized for a heart disease, there was no one around to take care of him, and his son and daughter-in-law were unwilling to come back to see him.

As people get older, when they are unhappy, they must be patient, learn to control their emotions, and learn to maintain good health. Good health is the most precious thing.

As the saying goes, having an elder in a family is like having a treasure. If you don't learn to control your temper, you will be rejected by your own children.

If you want to live a happy life in your later years, you must learn to control your temper, calm yourself, and benefit yourself and others.

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

3. Social networking

After people live to the age of sixty, there is no need to chase the excitement and get into the surrounding circles. They should stop and take a rest.

When people get old, they should cherish their close friends, learn to be indifferent, restrain themselves from socializing, and pursue a plain life.

Ancient Greece Aristotle said in " Nicomachean Ethics ": "Don't be without friends, and don't have too many friends." At this age, there are several close friends around you.

Uncle Chen, who is 65 years old this year, has done this. After he retired, he slowly withdrew from several social circles and only kept in touch with a few true friends around him. In this way, I no longer have to be busy for socializing, no longer quarrel with my wife about being away from home, and my savings gradually increase.

As people get older, it is a kind of wisdom to be able to restrain themselves from socializing, and it is also an act of kindness to oneself. In this way, you can have more time to do things that are beneficial to your physical and mental health, so as to gain more happiness in your later years. Why not?

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

4. Emotions

As people get older, they still need to learn to exercise restraint emotionally. The most shameful thing about life is not being able to protect yourself in old age. Du Fu There is a poem that goes: "The rhythm of poetry gradually becomes more and more detailed in the evening, who can count the width of the wine glass?"

At this age, everything should be put down. There is no energy, and there is no need to toss in emotions. Even if you still have regrets in your heart and are dissatisfied with your current emotional life, don't bother with it. Otherwise, you will be disrespectful and there will be no happiness at all.

My neighbor Aunt Jiang is dissatisfied with her married life and always looks down on her wife. After being married for more than 30 years, I don’t know how many cuckolds I have cheated on my wife. My wife has tolerated it, thinking that it will be better when she gets older.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, it was reported that Aunt Jiang was involved with a retired teacher again. She was embarrassed and did not say anything. Her wife and daughter said they would no longer care about her, and everyone around her also Scolding her behind her back.

As people get older, they need to be more self-disciplined, restrain their emotional behavior, restrain their emotions, cherish the people next to them, and don't bring disgrace on themselves and their families.

Text/Rain without Emotional Intelligence People often say that nothing will stop after a person has passed six hundred thousand years. A person's life always passes too fast. In the blink of an eye, he passes the age of sixty and begins to enter his old age.

is written at the end

The ancients said: "At fifty, you know the destiny, at sixty, your ears are attuned, and at seventy, you follow your heart's desires." When people get old, they must obey them, do what they should do, restrain their words and deeds, and no longer be willful. , no longer do whatever you want.

When you are over sixty, no matter how capable you are, if you cannot exercise restraint, your life will be a mess in your later years, and happiness will be even more out of reach.

When you get old, you should accept your old age, don't do stupid things, and spend the rest of your life with peace of mind.


I am Rain without emotional intelligence, a woman who loves to write emotional texts. Welcome to follow and leave comments.

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