"Pressure" always makes people sneer and want to get rid of it; however, no matter in life or work, pressure always comes as scheduled, and pressure always sticks to us. Our life path, to put it bluntly, is paved for us by pressure. However, if there is no pressure of this kind,

2024/05/2014:08:33 article 1958

"Pressure" always makes people sneer and want to get rid of it; however, no matter in life or work, pressure always comes as scheduled, and pressure always persists in us. Our life path, to put it bluntly, is paved for us by pressure.

However, if there is no pressure of this kind, how can we have the motivation to grit our teeth and persevere? Because of the existence of pressure, we can generate fighting spirit, move forward bravely, and withstand the hardships of wind and rain! People without any pressure will never be able to overcome hardships.

A little deer, it eats well and is lazy. It lives a leisurely life under the protection of its family. It never goes out to look for food by itself. If it wants to eat, its parents will find it for it. Over time, it does not like to exercise, and its body Gradually it became heavier.

One day, the parents took the fawn out to play, but found that the fawn was already too fat to walk. Later, in order to help Xiaolu lose weight, his parents tried many methods to no avail.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a strange idea flashed in the mind of the deer father. He took the fawn alone to a forest. The fawn asked his father curiously: "Why are we going there?"

The father replied: "Because there is good medicine that can help you lose weight."

So, they came to the forest. The little deer looked at the forest and turned around to ask his father where the good medicine was, but found that his father had already left.

At this time, fear arose spontaneously. At this moment, the fawn found that there seemed to be many pairs of eyes looking at it in front of it. Before the fawn was stunned, it saw several wolves rushing out. The fawn was frightened and it tried its best to He ran back, with the wolf chasing after him.

The more the wolf chased, the faster the deer ran. In this way, the deer lived in a forest full of wolves for several months. During this period, not only could the fawn search for food on its own, but while avoiding the pursuit of wolves, it found that its body was getting lighter and lighter. It was amazed that it had become thinner and more agile.

Later, the father suddenly appeared in front of the fawn and told the fawn the truth. It turned out that in order for the fawn to lose weight smoothly and be able to support itself, the father came up with a way to let the fawn face the wolves alone.

The fawn understood that it was unable to fend for itself and always relied on its parents because it had no pressure on it. Although the wolves disgusted it, it also developed its ability to forage and its agile body.

There is only one secret to success, and that is hard work and persistence; and the person who can compose this secret must be pressure. People who do not feel pressure will never be able to truly implement the secret of success.

Pressure is annoying, but it also gives people an opportunity to grow. People can realize their vulnerability in a crisis and learn to make themselves stronger. Only in this way can they survive in the fierce competition environment of society and stand firm. Make yourself invincible!

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