Hello~ I am Blueberry Cub! Click "Follow" on the upper right, and Blueberry Zai will share with you "Treasure Copywriting" and "Personal Growth" tips every day. I won't try to pick the moon, I want the moon to come to me. What you follow and what you love is what you will become.

2024/05/1901:04:33 article 1306

hello~I am the cub of blueberry ! Click "Follow" on the upper right, and Blueberry Zai will share with you "Treasure Copywriting" and "Personal Growth" tips every day.

Hello~ I am Blueberry Cub! Click

  • I will not try to pick the moon, I want the moon to come to me.
  • Whatever you follow and love, you will become.
  • always has new stories to look forward to! Read books, buy flowers, and grow up.
  • It is difficult to grow up and mature, and it will be difficult to grow up and mature.
  • Don’t worry about niche hobbies, just the public’s eyes.
  • loves boundless life and has its own sense of proportion.
  • Don't tell others about your misfortune like a distressed person.

Hello~ I am Blueberry Cub! Click

  • There are no adults in the world, only children pretending to be adults.
  • stars shine so that everyone can find their own star. .
  • There are some people who cannot be shut down by the secular world, because they see the world with their hearts.
  • In life, they often have to stand on the roadside and applaud others.
  • What is beautiful is you, not your fleeting youth.
  • Plant flowers in your heart, and your life will not be barren.

Hello~ I am Blueberry Cub! Click

  • The dragon should be hidden in the clouds, and you should be hidden in your heart.
  • The stars will always be beside the moon and never fade away.
  • I long for someone to love me fiercely and understand that love is as powerful as death.
  • Don't have those dark thoughts, I want you to be happy and bright.
  • Even if things go against your wishes, you must be happy.
  • I wish you to grow up generously and live up to everyone’s expectations.

Hello~ I am Blueberry Cub! Click

  • cannot stop himself from being conventional, but romance and tenderness will never die.
  • You must love concrete people, not abstract people.
  • I heard that dusk is a romantic, no wonder the sunset falls in love with it.
  • Even if your shoes are dirty, you still have to smile like a king.
  • hopes that I and the people in my world will be safe, happy and healthy.
  • It only makes sense to cry when there is someone who loves you by your side.
  • Your smile looks like a nice day.
  • I leaned against the wall, and when you came closer, there was a moon outside the window.

and above, let’s encourage each other [heart] See you next time ~

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