1. Really powerful people choose to be other people’s supporting roles. Those who brag must have nothing; those who think highly of themselves must have never seen the world; those who are capable must be humble and peaceful; they must know people accurately. The technique is rea

2024/05/1706:39:32 article 1996

1. Really powerful people choose to be other people’s supporting roles. Those who brag must have nothing; those who think highly of themselves must have never seen the world; those who are capable must be humble and peaceful; they must know people accurately. The technique is rea - DayDayNews

1. Really powerful people choose to be other people’s supporting roles.

People who brag about themselves must have nothing; people who think highly of themselves must have never seen the world; people who have ability must be humble and peaceful; accurate The art of recognizing people is really accurate.

An amazing person never feels that he is amazing. This is what makes him amazing!

How humble you are, how noble you are; how low-key you are, how shining you are.

The more powerful people are, the more low-key they are, and the more mediocre people are, the more arrogant they are.

The great thing about powerful people is that they don’t think they are powerful.

Most of those who are arrogant and bragging have nothing and can pretend to be anything; while mediocre people always feel that they are excellent.

Some people like to talk big, are arrogant, unreasonable, rude, jealous of talents, and have a high opinion of themselves. Just applaud them vigorously and praise them, why should you expose them? Wouldn't it be better to let him continue to embarrass himself?

I am willing to talk with the gentleman all night long, and I will not talk to the humble man for a while.

If you are above the middle person, you can be good at language; if you are below the middle person, you cannot be good at language. Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious.

If you want to weaken something, you must strengthen it; if you want to abolish it, you must strengthen it! If God desires his death, he will be driven mad. If you make a cocoon and tie yourself up, you will reap the consequences and bring about your own destruction; if you do too much injustice, you will surely die, so who can you blame?

Speak softly, be objective about things, be reasonable but not loud, and be powerful without anger, so that you can be respected. Saying the most shocking words in the gentlest voice is called majesty. Your clouds are calm and the wind is gentle, but to others it is lightning and thunder, which is called prestige. Roaring and being arrogant will only create more problems.

Learn to be a supporting role, and you will be the protagonist!

1. Really powerful people choose to be other people’s supporting roles. Those who brag must have nothing; those who think highly of themselves must have never seen the world; those who are capable must be humble and peaceful; they must know people accurately. The technique is rea - DayDayNews

2. Good character is the halo of a lifetime

In this world, you look at your face, your body, your talent, your education, and your background. These can make you take off before others and be able to fly. How high, how stable, how long, and whether you can land safely; finally, whether you can take off and land freely depends on your character and conduct.

No matter how luxurious and dazzling your coat is, it can never be compared to or equal to good character and upright outlook on life, 6 words!

The simpler, the happier, the more ordinary, the happier. When you truly understand, you can never go back!

The road is simple, is it confusing? How many people can really understand its meaning! Simple people cannot understand, but understanding people are not simple! Just like the more ordinary people are, the more arrogant they are, and the greater the people are, the more humble they are. It’s the same reason!

Being decent for the sake of being decent may not necessarily lead to being decent, and may be counterproductive. True decency is all inadvertent, the revelation of true inner emotions, the dignity of words and deeds, the principles of dealing with others, and the kindness deep in the soul! Everyone is an actor, and anyone can see through a poor performance!

There is no truth that you can really understand without experiencing it. There is no gain that you can have without losing something. Whatever truth you understand, you have to accept what it brings to you. Everything, you gain everything and lose everything.

You have very little, what is there for you to be sad about? You have everything, what is there for you to be proud of?

Every group is worthy of respect, and everyone is needed. What do you have to feel inferior to, and what do you have to be arrogant about? The world is such a big place, and there are all kinds of people. Inferiority and arrogance are all due to lack of knowledge, and there is no other reason!

1. Really powerful people choose to be other people’s supporting roles. Those who brag must have nothing; those who think highly of themselves must have never seen the world; those who are capable must be humble and peaceful; they must know people accurately. The technique is rea - DayDayNews

3. Everyone is our teacher

Don’t talk to the farmer uncles about poetry, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and painting. What you should do is to learn agricultural knowledge and talk about common topics with them. You will find that they are very interested in it. Amazing, better than you!

People who think they are great have a small circle and know too few people! In front of the world, you are nothing!

People are arrogant and arrogant, often because they have nothing, cannot make progress without working hard, and cannot accept that others look down on them. They use bragging to cover up their inner inferiority, but they don’t know that the higher they praise themselves, the more their dignity will be shattered. !

The most valuable thing about people is that they have self-knowledge. The more true it is, the more precious it is! The more you praise yourself, the more people will look down on you. No one is stupid or blind based on your own conditions and current situation!

Life seems to be about three things: take good care of your parents and be a filial child; do your own business well and be a role model for your children; educate your children well and be their children's friends!

Don’t take it seriously when you praise, and examine yourself when you criticize; always stay awake!

Three of us are all my teachers. In front of everyone, I am shallow and ignorant!

This is not modesty, it is a fact!

I am Kabu, and I would like to encourage you!

Author: Kabu, freelance writer, commentator, literary young woman, uses true narrative!

Article source: WeChat public account: Kabu kb (ID: kbkabu)

Please indicate the author and source when reprinting!

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